Scania Light apsauga nuo saulės


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13 thoughts on “Scania Light apsauga nuo saulės

  1. Is this only for Scania ???

    1. Yes my friend.

      1. could you also make it for like Renault magum maybe ??

  2. Thanks ,
    but can you explain :” If you want to change the visor color,open ”

    What must I do to make the red visor black in game ?

    I don`t have photoshop and don`t know how to skin.

    So if its not easy are you willing to make a black visor ?

  3. when I try to change color it only turns up as pink ingame…###??

  4. LOl is mein Mod

  5. Credits:
    das visir ist von Virtual Driver by Mercedez

  6. was lügt ihr hier so die ersteller seid ihr nicht.
    nehmt das raus und gibt dien richtigen erbauer an und ersteller by Virtual Driver by Mercedez

  7. GhostRunner

    Stolen mod.Seriously stop stealing mods and say that you are the creators. There are not that kids 8 years old who play ETS, but also adults who know them real modders.

  8. Laz Mohawk

    Hvorfor i hedehulede kan I ikke skrive på engelsk så man slipper for at skal google det hvis man skulle være interesseret i jeres lort…hundehoveder !!

  9. just for topline,or also for streamline?

  10. Guys,I said who the original author of the model is,please take a moment and read the description.I REWORKED it and UPDATED to the latest pmd,so it will not cause any lags.

  11. hahahha i have it make for virtual driver my old company

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