Scania R2009 vilkikas


Autoriai: CaptainSlow, Roadhunter


21 thoughts on “Scania R2009 vilkikas

  1. Freakin’ awesome ! Good Job !

  2. The Scania weeks look so special can i get them?

    1. Wheels (sorry)

  3. CaptainSlow

    Hi, the Wheels are from this mod: V8K Scania wheels mod

    1. Thanks

  4. nice skin

    1. CaptainSlow


  5. UselessBanana

    what other mods did you use to make your truck to look like this? btw looks very nice!

    1. CaptainSlow

      Bullbar, Horn and Climate from maxx2504
      Scania Vabis Visor
      V8K Scania Wheels v2
      Scania Multimod

  6. A Better Link Please.

  7. hi captain slow, what other mods did you use to get the truck like this ? bullbar lights postions add ons etc
    let me know please ([email protected])

  8. please link for scania r2009 truck thanks 🙂

  9. Great job

  10. Scania Lover

    The trailer does NOT exist in this mod. The skin for the truck is what’s only there. Not the trailer, I checked. Make it for the trailer, too please.

    1. CaptainSlow


      in my description is also clear that the trailer mod is required of road hunter.
      also is with my download also a small guide in pictures, as you can then paste the trailer skin there.

      I have not yet managed to get the trailer as a mod to run itself.

      I use google-translater, sorry for that.

      1. i cant get the skin to work on my scania. email me please. [email protected]

      2. also i cant find that version of the bullbar. ive tried two versions of v1. i got v2 to work, but want ur one and the visor please

  11. this is an awesome combo congratz for that>i am not a scania fan but this rocks !!

  12. CaptainSlow

    Thank you all.

  13. marchamilton

    captain slow can you please email me so i can communicate with you there. [email protected]

  14. Scania Lover

    Can you PELASE do a ENGLISH version of the guide! I don’t understand ANYTHING in the guide how to use that trailer! Can you do one?! Please?!

    Or just create a trailer mod instead, please…do something, because I don’t understand any German. Please help me!

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