Scania R730 V4 Ronny Ceusters tekstūra

Autorius: Freddy Jimmink


6 thoughts on “Scania R730 V4 Ronny Ceusters tekstūra

  1. Another masterpiece, thank you 🙂

  2. when i install the mod headlights are completely red and the same with everything exstra light on the truck.

    1. Freddy Jimmink

      Check your Flares and Light mods please?



      1. I have checked and all the lights are still red

  3. Johan Wiqvist

    I wonder a thing.
    Freddy Jimmink, have you and Dallyborr made exactly the same skin? Or have some here copied the other?

    It is of cource not impossible that two creators have made the same skin, so I do of cource not say that one have steel from the other. If some have, it is of cource sad.

    1. Hi Johan Winqvist,

      There are more people who make the same skins
      without knowing from each other,

      My skin differs from the Daliborr,

      Because there are no rules what you may or may not skin, i skin what i like,



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