Scania RS Verbeek silver tekstūra


Autorius: Ryan


11 thoughts on “Scania RS Verbeek silver tekstūra

  1. Hey je heb Pt het mooi gdn amai als je wil of kan wil,je ook 1 is doen

    1. write english please!

  2. Markus Srihardi

    It’s crash my game

  3. Hi das ist mein Mod und ich habe es nicht erlaubt ihn ohne mein Einverständnis irgendwo hochzuladen

    !!!!! Es ist nicht erlaubt ohne mein Einverständnis den Mod auf einer anderen Seite anzubieten !!!!!!

    Hi this is my mod, and I have not allowed him to upload it somewhere without my permission

    !! It is not permitted without my consent the mod on a different side to offer!!

    Mfg Ryan

    1. Freddy Jimmink

      Why dis You place it on the web than? You could have known that it will go to other sites,

      Little advise: Keep the mods for Yourself than if You don’t want it to go to other sites!
      Otherwise said: Stick it in something where the light can’t come!

      Unfriendly guys like You can better leave!

      And make mods wich are working and not crashes my game, i have more to do than trying Your sh.t

      Kindly Regards/ Mit Freunliche Grüsse,

      Freddy Jimmink

  4. Hi Ryan , what is the password to unlock your template ?? Because I wanted to understand how you colored the grill with two different colors (grey and orange) .

    1. Freddy Jimmink

      The man is too eager to reply, but if You download the maghettó704 Scania R V4 You have a template where you can see what You have to color,

      Lots of succes!



  5. how did you get that sign thingy on the top of the cab the one in the middle of the Michelin man ?

    1. Freddy Jimmink

      Jorney with You can resize easy, it works like paint from windows, but in the application will be more in shape,

      Just Goolge download and You can download it for free,



  6. Freddy Jimmink

    What a fake! Bith of Your mods don’t worl!



    1. Freddy Jimmink

      ^Both of your mods don’t work!

      I got all strang things and game crashes contiually

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