(EN) Sound Fixes Pack v 15.1 (Stable Release)

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8 thoughts on “(EN) Sound Fixes Pack v 15.1 (Stable Release)

  1. TodoMundoLocko

    I’m following your mod since the first versions. I can see a great progress of this work, mainly the balance sound of the tires and winds [was pretty high and I try say it in a lot comments]. I always had to change the DEF volumes, was sucks…lol

    Now, I think you can make the “rain_inside” sound softer. Looks like rainning rocks on the roof. It’s a truck not a FIAT 147…=D

    I got the “rain_inside.ogg” file from Realistic Rain & Fog & Thunder Sounds v 3.4 by Kass and changed by your file. I don’t know if this file is the best, but is more pleasant to hear.

    Thank you for keep the project!

    1. Drive Safely

      Thanks for the feedback. If you re-download the pack from the Google Drive link or from ETS2 Steam Workshop, the rain should sound softer in the inside. 🙂

  2. Birds everywhere 🙂
    fix it pls bro birds voices inside outside everywhere 🙂

    1. Drive Safely

      Thanks for the feedback. I lowered the volume of those sounds. You can redownload the pack from the Google Drive link or download from ETS2 Steam Workshop to get a lower volume. 🙂

  3. FartVader

    Volume of the birds hasn’t changed. Redownloaded and it’s still way too high.

    1. FartVader

      Sorry, my bad. It’s ok now.




    mi cuenta esta bien o que

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