(EN) Trailer Krone Profi Liner Prestons of Potto

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20 thoughts on “(EN) Trailer Krone Profi Liner Prestons of Potto

  1. What did you hide important?
    I wanted to learn was to create skins
    but you have hidden the treasure compliments

  2. I don’t like people who steel my hard work!

    1. then all other skinners who do not lock their works are of ######? not working, the skins are in the? chips?
      just do not share with us, you’re sure no one steals your work
      and you can sleep??peacefully.
      I want to remind you to unlock? the mods just only 1 second (this is not a password)

      1. lordmodets2

        After they created the scs unlocker, not the mod anymore protected, so in my mod I do not worry about it anymore.

  3. hristakis

    zoso what it’s your problem kid without life ?
    No one care about your problems dude.

    1. You do not have you no one questioned
      Before writing you work your little brain
      and after if it’s worth it you say what you think
      What did I say wrong?

  4. FatLizard

    @Mako8841: Excuse me if I smile to your words “steal my HARD work” … are you paid for it ? is really so hard, for you, with ETS2 Studio (totally free software) stick a .dds file in it ?
    Anyway I respect your decision … but respect more the Zoso’s point of view.
    Why sharing your works if you fear all the thieves ready to steal them ? 🙂

    1. Ciao, questi mi fanno troppo incazzare pensano di uscire fuori dall’uovo di pasqua,bloccano le mod e poi scrivono di rispettare la Gioconda.Ets2studio non lo sò se è stato un bene x certa gente.
      Io ho imparato ha creare skin manualmente guardando le mod
      di Freddy Jimming (aperte) nel 2008.
      E tutti questi fenomeni hanno imparato dalle mod libere.
      ciaoZ FatLizard io gli do filo da torcere

    2. lordmodets2

      Viva jethro tull !!!

  5. hristakis

    He create skins with photoshop from 0%.
    And his work its hard YES ! Go back on paint and upload **** like 99% of skins in this site.
    Have a nice day.

    1. 99% What are you doing still here?
      Who forces you to stay here?
      to me if I do not like a place before commenting going on.
      I repeat again before writing that uses tiny brain that you have left

  6. Sorry for all the trouble.. I guess you’re all right with your ideas… I like to paint. And I like to share my work. So, my decision is to unlock future mods for all. Thanks everyone for your input. Jazzycat does not lock his mods. But many others do… I’ll be one that does not lock mods…

    1. I expressed my ideas
      you are free to do whatever you want.
      Even I used to block some hack but there was the reason
      And just block certain beta versions mod jobs where modders can upgrade until you get to v.build.
      To me the debate is closed
      I hope you understand what I wanted to say (I do not speak English)

    2. FatLizard

      Absolutely not a trouble at all … and with your answer you have demonstrated of being a clever and smart person … I hope that my post has not offended you, was absolutely not my intention… and funny … but we were think about the same name (Jazzycat) 🙂 …
      Keep it up and a last suggestion … how about create a pack of your works ? Greetings 🙂

      1. Thank you for all your comments, complements, and suggestions. And I am not offended. It’s ideas that work, and make more ideas. It’s the people who come together with a solution, and an agreement. Thank you all… I hope this has not hurt anyone. And as for sour suggestion, I don’t know yet how to make a trailer pack. But I will learn! Thank you all!

        1. My error, I meant to say. “Your suggestion.”

          1. FatLizard

            Yeah 🙂 … “sour suggestion” was looking a bit rude 🙂 🙂

            For creating a pack in ETS2 Studio search the Mod Merge Tool … it’s very simple, like all the rest of the program 🙂

            See You … 🙂

      2. lordmodets2

        Jazzycat takes work from everyone kakaka …, most undeniably is a great moder, maybe the best of all.

      3. Nobody must think Jazzycat is an angel! The packages are attached with free, and other stuff (no mention to that). Who’s believing it is an great work – dreamer.

  7. Thanks!!!

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