AI eismo reguliavimas


Šioje pamokoje sužinosite kaip galite koreguoti AI eismo transportą.
Parsisiųskite šį failą (spausti žemiau SIŲSTI) ir ten koreguokite, kuriuos vilkikus norite matyti AI eisme. Žiūrėkite pavyzdį paveikslėlyje.

Veikia su 1.3.1 versija

Autorius: mike_mac


4 thoughts on “AI eismo reguliavimas

  1. Mufaldinho

    Great! but where do I put this file?. Tried copying it to the mod folder but all I get is AI truck traffic dissapearing completely.

  2. dont u need those every brand .sii files also???? this is only truck_traffic_storage.sii so this do nothing…

    1. Mak-Kyver is right. On it’s own this file doesn’t do anything, but with the Truck Pack AI Traffic mod it does. You do need the appropriate mod files that include all the .sii files mentioned in this mod.

      If you edit the truck_traffic_storage.sii in this file just remember that any truck from renault_premium_traffic and aboe are default game models. Anything below that are additional mods.

      As for AI truck traffic disappearing, there must be conflict with another mod that has it’s own truck_traffic_storage.sii file. For example I put the Peterbilt 379 mod in my mods folder, had a look in the .scs file and it had a truck_traffic_storage.sii file too! So I copied the @include line, pasted it into my copy of this Def, and deleted the truck_traffic_storage.sii file from the Peterbilt 379 .scs file, all to avoid any conflicts.


  3. bonjour,
    ce jeux est super mais très difficile pour un néophyte de s’en sortir pour par exemple inclure des fichiers material, dds, sii etc j’en passe et des meilleurs.alors quelques tuto en français sur les base et sur la manière d’extraire certains fichiers qui sont tèlechargés et sans explication.
    Jetez un coup d’oeil sur flightsimulator, vous verrez c’est mieux expliqué.

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