Truckers žemėlapis V8


Finalinė aštunta versija.
Autorius: goba6372


150 thoughts on “Truckers žemėlapis V8

  1. It’s a pity that you can’t recognize anything on the map’s screenshot… 🙁

    1. yeah it is, but I made me own screen shot, in the game 😀

    2. Ja nee, is klar… 🙄

    3. no speed limit is not working 🙁 🙁 any solution??

    4. passwort bitte

  2. Same to you,get a proper uploader or don’t post it.We wan’t register with those ###### spam sides

    1. Wambulance

      That’s your problem then.

      1. Uber pro n00ber

        Well, not quite. That is a bad reputation for ya’. 😛

  3. tDOES THIS #### WORK!?!?!?!?!?!
    ALL versions i have tryed has NOT work!!!

  4. r32zabiser

    I try this map and 100% work on me.

    But i can’t explore with this map because this map is HARD.. 🙂 😀

    1. r32zabiser; Does i have to make a accont for download this?!

  5. can you give me pass pls ?

  6. könnte mir bitte einer das pass…per.E-Mail schieken.

  7. Thomas@TSM

    play TSMap

    please please play TSMap

    1. Does your tsm map #### that bad that you have to go to other people’s map and BEG for people to play yours?

    2. Heul rum ihr verbietet doch allen anderen Moddern mit eurer Map zusammen arbeiten zu können – sprich sorglospaket von iceman oder truck shop
      wenn ihr so weiter macht könnt ihr euer projekt vergessen

      1. LegoLeipzig

        Genau so ist das, und die eigene Trucks einbringen ist dort auch nicht mehr drin.
        Die sind mittlerweile schlimmer als SCS selber.

        Bräuchte trotzdem mal eine NZB so das man es über GIGA laden kann. Kann die mir einer senden?

        Exactly is it and bring their own trucks there is also no longer there.
        The SCS are now worse than himself.

        Still would need an NCB times so that you can load it on GIGA. Can one send me?

        1. @ LegoLeipzig: dieser Thomas@TSM ist nicht “der” Thomas sondern offenbar (siehe oben) ein ziemliches a…ber lassen wir das.

          1. LegoLeipzig

            @derBarni um die Qualität der Karten hoch zu halten ist das ja auch OK aber es ist trotzdem nahe einer Gängelung das man seine Trucks nicht mehr so einfügen kann wie es einen Beliebt sondern nur noch die die von den “Vorstand” abgesegnet sind.
            @Sharp Chronisch ja diese Statten außer Ägypten sind nun mal in Europa, traurig genug das es so was gibt. Wenn es dich aber beruhigt nicht alle Menschen aus diesen Ländern wollen andere in die Luft jagen und Fi… ihre Kinder. Genau so wenig wie alle Deutschen Nazis sind.

            @ derBarni to maintain the high quality of the cards that’s OK, too, but it’s still close to a nannying that you can not insert his truck as it is the only approved by the “Board” Popular but one.
            @ Sharp Chronic yes these Equip except Egypt are now times in Europe, sadly enough what there was. But if it does not calm you all the people from these other countries want to blow up and fi … their children. Just as little as all Germans are Nazis.

      2. Sharp Chronisch

        Vor allem: TSM Map: Tunesien, Algerien, Marokko und demnächst Ägypten: Was haben diese Horror-Sharia Staaten der Anhänger des Massenmörders, Karawanenräubers und Kinderfickers Mohammed in einem EURO-Truck Simulator verloren??

        Das grenzt an Hochverrat!!

        1. Niemand wird gezwungen irgendeine Map zu nutzen. Unglaublich, was mancher so ablässt…

          1. Sharp Chronisch

            Es ging hier um den widerlichen Fanboy. Und der Islamisierung Europas muß an allen Fronten entgegngewirkt werden. Auch linksversiffte Gutmenschen werden eines Tages gefragt werden: Warum habt ihr das Buch nicht vorher gelesen – ihr hättet es wissen können. Aber dann gilt schon die Sharia und ihr dämlichen Erfüllungsgehilfen baumelt am Baukran–


            lever dood as slav
            Freiheit statt Sharia

          2. Ich finde, man sollte solche politischen Statements – die ich jetzt nicht weiter kommetieren möchte 🙄 – hier raus halten. ETS2 ist ein Spiel, nicht mehr!


    1. playstationmanrocks

      no pass needed


  10. TYVMuch goba

    1. How do I get the cargo map bigger I can’t even see the citys or the roads.I’m just guesing where I am.

      1. and a bunch of zzz before the name of the map

  11. Hey, could somebody put it anywhere on free download server? Why should I create an account at this ###### site 4shared??
    if I’m forced to set up an account there, no f*n’ way!

  12. Thank you so much DAYZU. I got the map to work , your a great help. thanks again 🙂

  13. What’s the password please?

  14. Thank you very much! I really appreciate your help.

  15. Author: goba6372: thanks for your awesome work, love the map 🙂

    1. yyussangzay

      Help my friend password Truckers Map v8

  16. please help my fellow friends, I want to feel the latest map of the lagoon, but I do not understand, because in it there is a keyword that is confusing to me, please help me .. thanks pal friend

  17. I’ve setup base in the russian city, at far north. Why there is a water almost everywhere? Is this a some kind of a flood simulation, or a bug?

      1. LegoLeipzig

        Hochwasser 🙂

      2. flooding – carefully drive right

        1. you mean this is normal situation on this map at those cities? I cannot even see where am I driving and my truck is getting damaged quickly.

          1. snow and ice and water in the springtime

            y know russia, canada mate ?

          2. or y must drive TSM
            desert roads without sand

      3. ####, where is that?

        1. @Baba – yeah, let’s say I’m living not so far from Russia… 😉 There are winters in my country too, but for the first time I see flooding on ETS2 map… It’s quite difficult to drive, when you don’t even see ground …

          1. take offroad wheels and higher height ingame – its helps a little bit

          2. not in game, man!!!!!!!

  18. pasword

  19. A High Hamster

    russia is very hard to play in doe anyone have a link to the off-road wheel and higher ride height?

    1. offroad wheels and higher height ingame available
      for all trucks

      1. ok, you say the wheels are in game, but i can find it. i delete all my mods, i let only the map, but when i unlock them, nothing happen. so???

        1. Google for ets2 terrain wheels. There they are.

          1. I cant find “ets2 terrain wheels” from google. What is with the ridiculous hills and mountain somewhere in russia where is a nearly straight down fall.
            Also the ice that gets you stuck even on flat.

      2. PLS SEND ME THE WHEELS. i like very much the map.

    2. oe man la contrseña para descomprimir el archivo cual es?

  20. this map is not free u have to pay for it

    1. No you don’t have to pay,all you do is unzip to desktop,it will make a folder with a rar file in it,take the compl. rar file and put it in your mod folder.Make sure you activate it.

      1. whats is the password then

      2. I just unzipped it and renamed the zip to this ” 5671truckersmapbygoba6372r8testedhtml “

  21. i just downloaded it and figured out how to get it to work it’s a very big map looks ok so far nut i have not been to Russia

    1. Agust Ingi

      how do you get it to work???

  22. dasar bego.!

  23. onion soup

    Lol, thanks for the comedy anger.
    About the only thing the comment threads here are any good for unfortunately.

  24. #### this map works, and it`s a gr8t map. don`t get angry about it. d/l it extract it and rename it as follows 5671truckersmapbygoba6372r8testedhtml then paste it into your mod folder, load the game. So simple

    1. little_squids

      The file folder or zip inside? Both don’t work for me. What version?

  25. LOL, your so sad, with all that fowl language. it does work, and it`s so simple, it`s not “for Sale” as you put it, read ppl`s posts and read the instructions.

  26. Wie kann ich wie in den Videos gezeigt die Winter und Offraod Aufträge fahren ?

    How can I as shown in the videos take the winter and offraod orders ?

    1. Please help, i will drive offroad and snow parts.
      I drive from Erfurt to Utep over 13TKM but only normal routes :((

  27. lo unico malo que tiene el mapa es que cuando queres elejir la carga desde el mapa no te deja ver los puntos de carga en el mapa un garron lo demas esta espectacular !!

    1. bro sabes cual es la contraseña para descomprimir el mapa plz

  28. immerwigger

    thx HJV ,,, i test it,and the mod works without

  29. what´s wrong,take your tablets

    1. f**k you! is a horrible map. you can drive. if drive slower the traffic smash you and destroy your delivery. you can drive because you don’t have tiers for snow. you don’t give us the high chassi and big big wheels. keep for your mom then, so F**k you!!!!!!!!!

      1. f**k you! is a horrible left hand wanker called viper21

        1. give us the high chassi and big big wheels!!!!!!!
          your mom!!! sukker!

  30. and wild horses on the roads…..

  31. its work, but is ####

  32. Diese Map ist nur scheiß aus ?
    weil auf dem weg hat viele löcher und truck bleibt dazwischen stehen geht nicht weiter 🙁
    Darum muss immer nach werkstatt abschleppen …
    das gefällt mir nicht gut 🙁

    Mfg… Bartmann

    1. turn ON y brain

  33. “offroad wheels and higher height ingame available
    for all trucks” DOESN’T WORK!!!!!

  34. Mr.Darkboost

    Hey Please Pass Send it And please Tell me too how to do it !!

  35. Great map, but you put ATINE in to midle ITALY, and couple more mistakes…..

  36. Автор! Карта супер!!! но есть одно но,немог бы ты сделать мод,чтоб помех на дорогах было по меньше? За рание благодарен!!

  37. yyussangzay

    hello, what price password…

    1. No password needed. When you dowload the file it is an .exe file. You then must click the file, click run, then let it do its thing. you now have a .rar file. Then extract this .rar file to get a .zip file. Rename the .zip file to “5671truckersmapbygoba6372r8testedhtml” and then put it in the mod folder. Create a new profile and add the “” mod only to start. Test it and see if it works!

      1. yyussangzay

        Thanks…. Thanks…. Thanks…. Thanks…..
        I’like Truckers Map v8

        1. Ryan Putra

          Gimana Caranya nih biar ke Install

  38. yyussangzay

    hello all my friend Help my’ password….
    I’m from indonesian. thanks…

  39. how to rename to SCS?

    1. No SCS file needed. When you dowload the file it is an .exe file. You then must click the file, click run, then let it do its thing. you now have a .rar file. Then extract this .rar file to get a .zip file. Rename the .zip file to “5671truckersmapbygoba6372r8testedhtml” and then put it in the mod folder. Create a new profile and add the “” mod only to start. Test it and see if it works!

      1. so we put file
        to mod folder??

        1. yeah… then it should work!

  40. Better link to download, I hope that I dont do much bad to share better link sometimes

  41. cé quoi le mot de passe

  42. Good map, hard and its cool but basic map is when press button M in keyboard is this map too small, please fix that or how I can make this map larger

    1. I had the same problem,all I did is put the nospeedlimit2 scs file in the mod folder and activate it in the game and I had the full map.

  43. Can I use ETS2 map v.5.6-6.3 version in same time with this map or I dont need anymore those oleder maps

  44. Carelessley made. Not like other good maps. That´s all.

  45. At first it did not work at all then i found that one of my trailer pack was incompatible so now everything works perfect. I am still amazed by how huge the map is and how much stuff there is, and also how any non-map related mods there are included, this is sick. Feels original, like a expansion pack from SCS or something. AWESOME WORK!

  46. Password?

  47. password please

  48. hello what’s the password please…

  49. I wish people would read the comments, heck theirs enough of them. You do NOT….you DO NOT Need a password for this map. When you click to download it, make sure to click the correct button as the other stuff are bait advertisements that ask for you to buy junk.
    Please please please download the browser addon AdBlock plus, it is free and you will stop seeing crappy ads when you visit these sites to download mods.
    Take care on the Interwebz and watch what thinks you click on, always hover your mouse over a link or page address before clicking it as that few seconds could save you an afternoons work re-installing your PC.

  50. so we put file
    to mod folder??

  51. Hi ,I be playing that map for quite a while now and I think it is very unrealistik,I have a lot of different mods in there.The game is running fine and everything is as good as it could be.But what I can’t understand is why do you have to drive around 17000klm to get to those addon citys there are only 2 places in the north to access those roads and then you have to drive all around the European continent to get there.Don’t you think that is ######???? Maybe I’m missing something I don’t know!!!!

    1. Yes It’s a little ######.

  52. you don`t need password, just open rar file and extract zip file to mod folder

  53. ETS2 Gamer


    Frage wo hin muss ich es Installieren bitte um hilfe?

    Danke im voraus

    1. Wohin must du was instalieren????Be more specific

  54. ETS2 Gamer


    Question where I have to go install it please help?

    Thanks in advance

  55. This map work 100%, need follow decription! Sombebody HEight TRUCK for this map??!!??

    1. i try to ask for height truck, but no luck…nobody give us big wheels and height chassi….

  56. fix the map

  57. passwort


  59. paSsword sir Please .. !

  60. Kruppstahlpanzer

    Der pissa kann mich mal mit seinen dummen passwörtern!!!!!!

  61. which is the password please… :/

  62. We have Trucksim map in terms of space, ”Romania map” and ”Europe Map Rebuilding” in terms of modifications and wonderful extras that represent reality.And also ”Truckers map” we want a complete map covering all of these amendments.Before the advent of ”Euro truck simulator 3 / or next version” which are in the process of completion.
    Come on, owners of amendments !

  63. Its not a good map…. its a GREAT map! i love what you have done and give yourselves a pat on the back…

  64. Nice Map, but you NEED Snow Chains on your Wheels… Can you make one for this map?

  65. This map taught me how to raise???????????

  66. 182's Fams

    if this works with 1.1.1 version ?

  67. 182's Fams

    if this works with version 1.1.1?

  68. Ryan Putra

    Translate in indonesian please

    I need tuttorial to install this map 🙁

  69. ####, can’t use the big trailer pack on this one. :/ At least most other mods work on this one!

  70. PutraSoCool

    how can i install this???!! i have downloaded it and put it in the /mod folder…. i extract but when comes to the game and select mod, the mod that i extract is not there… is it suppose to be .scs file or just a couple folder…. can someone explain this very clearly to me about this…. Thanks

  71. Where can i find the snowy place from the picture? (sry for my english)

  72. password??

  73. HEY, i have a problem with this, and my first question is, that is it even compatible with version 1.4.8? and if it is, i cant get it to work when i create a new profile it stops loading and asks to load a save which i ofcourse dont have because it asks it even before the profile is created, or well right after youve selected the controls in the control wizard, and all the svaes are empty, ive tried all the methods written in the comments can someone please help mee 🙂

    1. It is not compatible with version 1.4.8 yet. I dont know when and if it converted in version 1.4.8 compatible. So far is compatible maps TSM 3.5, Europe Rebuilding Map Patch v.1.02, Romanian Map v2.0 for 1.4.x. Other old different map version I can not say about them

      1. but which version is it compatible with?

        1. It’s compatible with 1.3.x

  74. Racin4lifE

    ##### thats funny

  75. cual es la contraseña pa

  76. emang pada bego tuh bule

    1. hahahahahahahahahahahaha

  77. When i put mode in game and i start load the game just exit!!!Did someone have solution?

  78. update for version 1.4.12 please…………….thx

  79. What password

  80. Does it work with version 1.5.2 ? Please Answer

    1. Not map v1.3.1

  81. according to the download site for this is dangerous if you want to download this then use a different site

  82. sorry for spam 🙁

  83. Password please 🙁

  84. what is the pasword ?????

  85. amirali750

    hello for ver 1.10.1

  86. wie läd man den Scheißdreck ich hab keine mods drauf und crasht schon bei nur der hier

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