Volvo FH 2013 varikliai v.2.0


Versijos 2.0 naujovės:
– Pridėta transmisija
– Pataisytas variklio stabdys
– Pataisyti pavadinimai



39 thoughts on “Volvo FH 2013 varikliai v.2.0

  1. Hey please make same Transmission with 6 speed please

    1. Thank you. I will try your desire to incorporate in v.3.0.

      1. FIne!
        I wait for that, Thanks
        BTW you know how to make mod for a font camera?

  2. unreal

    1. Everyone has their own opinion. I think that’s cool.

      1. angelknight

        thats a good mod but the truck reach very fast the top speed and it is 151-153 k/h??can you make a gear box that reaches at least 250 k/h?thank you,you have done a good job.

  3. -pffffft

  4. why are these mods even allowed? jesus

    1. Everyone has their own opinion. I think that’s cool.

  5. Scaniadriver

    cool?no – wanna fly?

  6. I Think engin about 1500-2000Hp is enough ! just need gearbox 6 speed for use manual to easy ! ^^!
    Not fun if you drive haevy truck look like super car …

    1. I’ve heard it so slow. I do not mind when posting their comments. But if 20 people now write the same that sucks already.

      1. Maarten Willem

        Youre right let them replay themselves like it download … Not like don,t simpel as that Said,nuff!

  7. ###?! 8000 bhp and torque is still same as in standard 750 bhp engine ? ###### mod. Torque is the most important value in diesel engine. Power is side effect of torque in diesel.

  8. #### modmdude go away from this site!!!

  9. Guys realx, he just share you his own mod…
    You do not have to use them.

  10. Please ban these mods please very unrealistic

    1. You can’t ban mods because you think they are unrealistic. Mods are just game modifications, not always intended to add realism.

      I don’t like these kind of mods either and I don’t use them, but I find disrespectful to post comments being critic on mods just because you don’t like them. I don’t post on every mod I don’t like or find unrealistic.

      You can always give your opinion but even that is somehow not needed as this is not a forum and this is not a question asking what you think about the mod.

      The proper thing to do is to open the post of a mod you downloaded and liked, and post a comment telling that to the author.

      1. snake20088

        As I do I post very positive reviews on mods that make a quote on quote “simulation” more exciting and add to realism. I in turn post mods which I think are useless such a this mod, Im not sorry for the author as they need to understand that releasing such a mod will undergo such criticism as it reflects nothing to do with realistic truck driving which this simulation is strongly focused around. Please would you show me a truck driving around Europe? or anywhere in this world with a 9000Kw engine? Very so to speak “Urealistic”

        1. TruckSimFan

          The irony is dolts like you have no idea how UNREALISTIC Euro Truck really is. You treat it like it’s the holy grail of simulations when it’s one of the least simulation-heavy titles to even bear the name “simulator” in the title.

          Sorry to break it to you kiddo, but this is NOT your last chance to drive daddy’s truck, so get off the high horse about it being “realistic”.

          ETS2 is an arcade game at its core. It has very lite simulation aspects to it. Period.

          The only thing that makes it a trucking game vs. a racing game is the vehicles, but it could easily be a cross-country racing/rally game using the same engine and assets.

          It doesn’t even have real truck physics!

          So, keep on pretending that playing this game makes you smarter & better than everybody else when posts like the one you made above reveal how ignorant foolish you really are.

  11. Atleast make the figure’s realistic.. 9000 PS and 9000 KW is hardly the same. 9000 KW is: 12236 HP and 9000 PS is: 8873 HP..

    1. kaka outé

      au chiotte

      1. on s’étale pas sur d’la merdache

  12. barns 2010

    all he has done is open a engine file and fk around with it and to thinks he sloved the problem with a engine with 10.000hp by dropping the torque figure cant see the point in it its a simulator not a racing game

  13. Boeing 747 got four CFM engines, 24 000 HP each…try to make that instead…gees!

  14. im gonna make a new engine mod for all trucks that will give gave warp speed

  15. trucker richy

    1000 HP is 1 thing, but 9000 HP?, come on that’s just dumber than dumb….and I tested this mod out, and i’m sorry to say this, but it sucks, totally pointless, the truck reaches top speed way too fast, you have hardly any control over the truck, and why the hell did you mess with the retarder?, bad enough that you wasted time making this mod.

  16. trucker richy

    I know a cool idea. Why don’t you make a space ship and f**k off back to the planet you came from ####

  17. go play need for speed ######

  18. Let me inject some logic into you “bonjovi”:
    This is not your site, you have no claim whatsoever to
    The mod icon clearly shows what it is, a set of super-powered engines, it was your choice to click into it on this site that you have no claim to.
    What would a sensible man do now? Go on with his browsing of mods.

    But you are not so clever, instead you chose to click into a mod that obviously had no appeal to you, on a site you have no claim to, and decided to make a personal attack on somebody for the mod he created that actually claims nothing it doesn’t provide.

    Tell me why do you feel you have the need or the right to tell somebody their mod isn’t welcome here? Why don’t you just ignore its existence as it isn’t relevant to what you want out of the game?

    How about the rest of you who keep saying the same #### on every 1000+ HP mod? You’re not too clever either.

    1. You call yourself Bon Jovi and you’ll call me gay? Hahahaaaaaaaaaa hahahaahhaaaaaargh arghaahahaahahahaha lhhaaaahlalalahaaha

      1. What do I care about him? He’s alright but women are supposed to love him, not men. 🙂

      2. He is my favourite singer and I won’t lose my time on ####### like you anymore.

  19. umm.. maybe if i have truck with 1000+ HP, i will participate racing truck championship than make a truck company. lolz
    just joking fellas.

  20. I’m bringin’ teh popcorn ,ya’ll best give yer best replicas for your fine viewers ,aight ? Let the insults flow ! 😛

  21. MotherTrucker

    hey can you please make a relistic hp mod for volvo fh16? with 900, 1000 and 1200 hp? please reply to this comment and if you make one reply me with the link (mediafire please) thank you 🙂

  22. truck is too fast

  23. The download link doesn’t work for me. I get directed to MEGA but it won’t download after that

  24. s.a link açılmıyo

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