Volvo FH16 2012 tikroviškas salonas

Volvo-FH-16-2012-Realistic-Interior-1 Volvo-FH-16-2012-Realistic-Interior-2

Tikroviškas salonas Volvo FH16 2012 vilkikui

Autoriai: sten1467, Carmichael Interiors


10 thoughts on “Volvo FH16 2012 tikroviškas salonas

  1. Cool 🙂 Thanks!

  2. TruckSimFan

    I really like this.

    The default SCS interior looks more like a Ferrari, or even a 747 color scheme. Not a real world truck interior, IMO.

  3. AudimanBzh

    Nice Job !
    Great render

  4. Great interior, and thanks for putting me in credits not many people have the decency of putting all the credits.

  5. great quality, thank you!

    1. Now interior looks great. But there is a little problem with remote control. Its display is black and there is no buttons.

      1. szetland1971

        delete the file – dashboard_details – old

  6. is this for rhd to?

  7. szetland1971

    delete the file – dashboard_details – old

  8. How to delete that file

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