Volvo garsai


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Testuota versija: 1.9.22.

Ayoub Systeme DZ


8 thoughts on “Volvo garsai

  1. Where is the Turbo Whistle?

  2. Je trouve le son un peu trop timide et lissé à mon goût mais ce n’est pas affreux. Je trouve ça encore trop proche du bruit d’origine du jeu en fait.

  3. if I use this sound to me as Vice listen I realized that this is a Scania sound

  4. MidniteTrain

    No. This is not a good one. Very hollow and amateurish. Please don’t waste everybody’s time by uploading ####. There are lot’s of ways on YouTube to get it right.

  5. playstationman

    man this video has “no lag” at all, get a better computer

  6. sick lag dude

  7. It’s horrible d’une, thé scania sound il better

  8. It’s horrible dude , the scania sound is better

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