Balta tekstūra


Standartinė balta tekstūra visiems vilkikams

Autorius: SharpeGamezModz


4 thoughts on “Balta tekstūra

  1. T-Rieper-GER

    Hey, really nice work.
    I rally hatet to buy an expensive color for nearly 4k and then go and spray it over. This saves a lot of CA$H

    Another idea is to make all standard paintjobs available at the Dealers. Is this possible?

  2. SharpeGamezModz

    When you say “standard paintjobs” do you mean like blade, vision etc? Because that is not possible as it involves customizing colour, which doesn’t work in the dealers.

  3. T-Rieper-GER

    Ok thank you for the info.
    Then this is the Mod i will use. I testet it a few hours ago and it saves me a lot of money…
    Thank you…

  4. Macedoniann Warrior !!

    Thanks man its very good 🙂

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