Winteredition 2013 žemėlapis


ETS 2 modas, kuris paverčia žemėlapį į žiemos sezoną.

Stefag40, leti7kedil, 116808apd


19 thoughts on “Winteredition 2013 žemėlapis

  1. strider1007

    Maybe not for August yet, but looking great for the upcoming winter season. Movie looks good.

  2. doufám že v tom modu nebude pršet.

    I hope that this mode does not rain.

    1. I hoped it too but it does rain 🙁

  3. daf mod lin please.

  4. marcofreddi

    mi piace

  5. Raphael Nunes

    works only in the original map or in TSM too?

  6. Question does it slide when its snowing?

  7. cze
    Bohužel prší v tom módu, škoda bylo by super kdyby někdo udělal aby sněžilo a chumelilo,a teploty kdyby byly pod nulou třeba -10°C

    Unfortunately, it’s raining in that mode, the damage would be super if someone did that it was snowing and snowing,
    and if the temperature was below 10 ° C should be

  8. Daf xf 105 mods great,please link give

  9. very nice but can you do that way that in Swiis and Austria for exaple would be snow and on the rest of the map would be normal weather (without snow) ? Please?

  10. which sound mod is you using for the daf truck?

  11. Kan someone please tell scs to create a snow map like “truckers map by goba 6372 r8 7z” for version 1 4 12 please.

    1. you knew nothing about its use with version 1.4.12?

  12. Isn’t anyone going to help a fellow trucker out

  13. Salve, questa mod la si può usare anche con la versione 1.4.12? Grazie

  14. Is the slide truck when the brake?

  15. dadada

  16. CZECH ETS2 fan

    CZ: Dá se v tomto modu dostat do smyku?
    EN:It can be in this mode skid?

  17. horrable mod. winter does not – the hp of the truck or restrict the power. you can only hit 50 kilomiters. i want the power and choice of how fast i want to dirive. the faster you go should raise the slip caution \like normal driving. every snow mod is like this you guys ####. make a real phyisics mod not this ####.

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