X-Brutal environment HD modas 1.4


Born X-Brutal kraštovaizdžio HD varikliukas1.4
TSM žemėlapyje 4.5.3 sėkmingai ištestuota

Autorius: Stewen


10 thoughts on “X-Brutal environment HD modas 1.4

  1. one more of this ….. /me facepalm

  2. This replaces the one you uploaded today if you have TSM map?

  3. Problems with this

    /home/profiles/546F6D61737A/save/autosave_drive/game.sii) …
    00:05:42.537 : Game has been auto-saved.
    00:05:46.848 : .\units\unit_system.cpp(231): ?create_unit@unit_system_t@prism@@QAEPAVunit_base_t@2@ABUunit_descriptor_t@2@@Z: Attempt to instantiate abstract unit type.

  4. paul hodgson

    game crashed as soon as i installed it.

  5. The bug from 1.3 with rain is fixed?

    In 1.3 the bad weather comes, and no rain.
    Next, good weather and it’s raining…

  6. LegoLeipzig

    Bei diesem Sind die Fußwege Rot und haben keine Textur, wahr vorher nicht so bei Karte TSM 4-5-3 schade vorher war besser.

    In this Red Are the footpaths and have no texture, true previously not so with map TSM 4-5-3 shame before was better.


    What a ###### mod!
    – The night is too bright
    – it rains when the sky is perfectly blue !!!!!
    _ etc, etc …

    1. +1 same for me !

  8. Amazing!!! thanks a lot

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