X-Brutal Environment v1.6


Sėkmingai išbandyta su: ETS2 & TSM 4.5.3




40 thoughts on “X-Brutal Environment v1.6



  2. Yes, No problem this version, new engine.
    Lot of people testing.

  3. What is this error ? :

    Loading vegetation data ….
    Vegetation schema ‘Pine big – close to road (30hp)’ has density (40) smaller than the generation span (138).

    Is new in v1.6.

  4. great testing tcc only tsm map +default….. what about rom 4.7 or hungarian map which is *10 times better grafically??

  5. Which version of the ETS game?
    ETS MAP?
    which city?

  6. Why did the lines on way are yellow, not white?

    1. Yellow contrast blue sky.
      pleasant to the eye.

      1. nice mod ,thanks !!!

    2. We in Norway have yellow middel line and white outher lines

  7. But live lines are white and yellow looks unreal

  8. In many countries in ETS2 lines on the road are white.

    1. In many countries in ETS2 lines on the road are white.

      This is GAME.


  9. I know but I would prefer it to be real 🙂

  10. go drive a city life … 🙂

  11. biochazard

    i have low FPS if i use your mod will this make it better(more FPS)?

    1. Sorry, no.

      USe red expert, no more vegetations 🙂

  12. This is ####. It is a game indeed, but it is a SIMULATOR. You know what this means? Why not make trees black and lines red just because it is a game. LOL

    1. All games unreal.

  13. ^ hahaha yea getting to the point of ridicule lol

  14. Such details as the yellow lines discourage playing this mod

  15. I do not use it because it is important for me to reality, brutal it is not.

  16. Maxbuble21

    Where should i put the mod

    1. C:\Users\yout username\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod

  17. (For AVB) …… I’m sorry, … What do you do when a TV channel you do not like? Simple: change the channel! then, if you do not like this mod for some and others is fine, why denigrate the person who built it? There are around a lot of other maps, ….. for all tastes (see Paradise), …….. I would agree if you had paid a sum to receive it …. but the downloaded “FREE” …… but what more do you want? I always thank those who dedicate their time to build games for everyone, ………. if you do not dislike, patience, …. we will always be waiting for something better than before … will come along, make no mistake ….!

    1. Have my like sir. Thank you in the name of the author too.

    2. LionBuster


    3. Criticism is ALWAYS justified and if people don’t like the mod because some aspects are unrealistic they have every right to voice their opinions. Maybe it’ll make the authors change it in the future. Without people voicing their opinions and criticising things we’d still be living in the 13th century…
      Plus, nobody was denigrating anyone, do you even know what that word means?

  18. I agree with bckobra…
    GOOD MOD this version…

    When i want then i activate it
    when i want the original,then i deactivate it…
    AND DONE !!!!

  19. nice bro, keep up the good work.

    1. how to use

  20. It look like good!! great!

  21. Replace yellow line.
    Jump in material\road\lines.dds and swap the lines.dds with the original SCS file, from now on all centerlines white again.

    However, I still have no answer for this error:
    Loading vegetation data ….
    Vegetation schema ‘Pine big – close to road (30hp)’ has density (40) smaller than the generation span (138).

    1. Destiny parameter reseting factory setting, New offset parameter optical tuning made!

      only here, and only now, and only for you…


      2 version expected, 1 yellow line, 2 white line.

      will be good?

  22. great very realistic

  23. Brutal environment 1.8 version “WHITE road line”

    Brutal environment 1.8 version “YELLOW road line”

    Sharp Nice weather horizont, and AI Night Ligt fix.

  24. Bonsoir,est ce que ce mod est compatible avec la map promods 1.5.2 ?

    Merci d’avance.

    1. Je pense que oui. Pour tester les dernières versions de ces pas de problème, en principe travailler avec n’importe quelle version.

  25. Oui Gigi il fonctionne avec la Promods

  26. merci beaucoup.

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