(EN) Add-on for the navigator DLC Truck Pack v1.0

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3 thoughts on “(EN) Add-on for the navigator DLC Truck Pack v1.0

  1. SCANIA RJL ???

    1. This is for SCS (DLC) trucks only.

  2. Dear admins. You forgot to post this:


    Features of trucks marked with ‘*’:

    1. Trucks share gps.sii file
    2. The link to the gps.sii file is in the cabin interior files, not in the computers.sui file, like with new trucks.
    3. All trucks have a different size of the displayed area of ​​the GPS

    In this regard, I had to make individual links for each truck to the file for GPS.

    For this reason, there may be conflicts with mods that affect the interior of the truck.

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