Amerikos žemėlapis


Kūrėjų sąrašas:
Autorius: Eugene Filonov (DeXtor31)
Testavo: Yevgeny Rudakov (Jon Ruda), Alex
Buda (The Alive55)
Padėkos: Dan, Colonel už objektus

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32 thoughts on “Amerikos žemėlapis

  1. Grenlandis

    Hi, I just tried this map. Well, I can’t call this a map. It is a great start, not map, because it’ s just two cities. Also there are some textures missing. When you get a garage, you see the garage almost floating in air. But I believe, that You will fix it, and one day map will be full, and also outstanding.

    1. Brian Earl Spilner

      It’s a work in progress.

      1. AMERCIAN? not AMERICAN?:)))

  2. A High Hamster

    *slow claps* really good map some bugs here and there but please continue on this

  3. fereero.xd

    is it work xith TSM 4.5 ???

    1. No because they are a new base of the map

  4. Madtrucker24

    Great mod

  5. RockKing918

    Well, it is not nicely made. Because quick deliveries can only be done from one place. And the textures of tires turn red colour… Can anybody tell me the reason….?

    1. A High Hamster

      the red tires and prob a mod conflict im running one truck and one trailer and it works fine

  6. Why not make a traffic and trailer pack? For realism!

  7. Metaltom68

    not work no startpoint

  8. Can anybody show the worldmap plz?

  9. There is one problem! I cant seleckt a city where i will begin. 😛

  10. nice map and good luck

    whats the name of the truck ?

    1. Brian Earl Spilner

      Freightliner Century Class.

  11. kriechbaum

    Do this to be able to see the town to begin a new game.

  12. I really want that cool freightliner is it going to be realesed? Please do

  13. link del truck plisss¡¡¡

  14. Wow. No indicators on the map. I mean, you can go straight forward, turn left, or right, but you have absolutely no idea where you’re going to! The level of detail is good, but the lack of the road map indicators is making this map looking mediocre at best!

  15. I tried the map, its looking good, been waiting for an American map, but after I play it for a little bit it freezes. Also the truck dealer and garage are not connected to the road. I hope in future version you can fix this stuff.

  16. Chrisknowseverything

    Well my game does crash every 5 mins i play please fix the problems in the near by future

  17. sw3gameboy

    It doensn’t look bad actually =) altrough it has very little content for the moment, but it’s a good start like Greenlandis says.
    Just a quick question: why don’t you publish your progress on SCS’s forums? I would like that atleast.

  18. Chrisknowseverything

    Well be carefful for the mods u have on for the profile but other then that its a great map i hope bugs will be fixed and more will be added dont quit the map here now. But loveing the map

  19. Warning sign when the guy cant even spell American right. “Amercian Map” ? . ###### signs are turned on.

    1. Ehm .. what ? Spell *american* as if being *american* is not part of a multicultural race mix and *american* is a language on it’s own. Please ..

      One did spell wrong a sentence and here you grammar / patriotic wankers pop to spill your rage and typical *american* bullshit.

  20. Nevadawolfpack99

    It would be great if we could just have someone post that nice freightliner.. I wish that somebody would because ets2 has been lacking a good american truck

  21. vůbec jsem ji nenašel základní mapa + východ a jinak nic.když se dělá mapa, může být vstup třeba přez letiště, logicky odletíš na jiný kontinent a tam se objevit v amerikan map, to však zde není. 🙁

  22. i can’t wait for ATS !!! i already picture myself driving in beterbilt or a kenworth listening to country music !!

  23. donde conseguiste ese freigthliner
    esta de lujo

  24. basicley you just used europe map as american highways have upto 6 lanes

  25. and the traffic is just normal no american cars at alljust added a lorry

  26. traffic same as europe no real american in it at all

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