(EN) Brutal environment Gold 2015 American Truck Edition for 1.19.X patch version

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8 thoughts on “(EN) Brutal environment Gold 2015 American Truck Edition for 1.19.X patch version

  1. thx but only Sharemods is a pain in …. 1,5 hours? 1 day ?

    1. One link more than enough. My job is not as big a success

  2. Faelandaea

    Must be your ISP. Sharemods let me download this in 25 seconds. They are usually one of the fastest as well.

    Many thanks for the update to this mod, authors 🙂

    1. Faelandaea

      The 975 MB one that is – takes only 20+ seconds to do.

      1. I already ask to ISP to change my IP and the problem persists.

        In other PC I have the same problem. Maybe something to restrict to Brazil.

        I have a bandwidth 50 Mb DSL. average 400 KB/s in almost time with top 870 KB/s sometimes.

        it is hard living into jungle/forest XD.

        if few people can download… maybe few success.

        Mediafire fire is usually fast
        mega.coz is usually fast
        shaemods (with clicks) is a pain in …

        1. …50 Mb It is considered high in my “great” country

          now I see. Why American Truck? Where? XD. I wanna , I wanna too 😉

  3. Hello,

    How can i change the lines color from yellow to white?

    I’m using the Steam version and i can’t find the location “material/road/lines.dds”

    Can you help me with this issue?

    Thank you in advance.

    1. …HD engine.SCS Archive Zip format. This included Directory structure.

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