Brutal environment HD grafikos varikliukas su variklio garsu v 6.1


Palaikoma: ETS2 1.9.X ir ir visais TSM

Autorius: Stewen

SIŲSTI 490 MB Geltonos kelio juostos
SIŲSTI 490 MB Baltos kelio juostos

SIŲSTI: Brutal nėra žalos naują modą

41 thoughts on “Brutal environment HD grafikos varikliukas su variklio garsu v 6.1

  1. compatibile: ETS2 1.9.x &

    1. It’s dont take damage when i use this mod. Need a fix

  2. Thanks Stewen, I was waiting the Brutal HD update for 1.9.5 🙂

  3. I had a lot to work with old and new version no operation errors

    let’s play 🙂

  4. ClassicDutchTrucker

    Works perfectly, good job! 😀

  5. Merci… tres bon travail…que du bonheur…
    Thank you Stewen … very good job … Happiness …

  6. You are welcome.

    1. LionBuster

      6.1? why “.1”? 7.0 comming? 🙂 for patch 1.9.13 😀


    how cabn i remove the engine sounds stewen and great mod

    1. the speaker volume…


    yes but your sound mod haha

    1. Sound forge pro 11 🙂

  9. Is it compatible with Promods 1.52?

    1. Promods mot working 1.9.x patch

  10. the sound engine ruins the mod… cant use my scania sound or volvo because of it.. back to 1.4 version!

      1. MY sounds dosent work on my trucks… the traffic sounds are nice!

  11. Great ob as always! Thanks a lot!

  12. This mod goes too far for my taste..

    Everything just looks too new.

    Roads are way too dark.

    The more mods i have tried, the more i realise that the vanilla ETS 2 looks the best.

    I think the SCS team nailed it as it is.

    1. it’s just your opinion

      1. It is just an opinion from someone who really liked your brutalmod…

        Till V.4 that is.

  13. greater stupidity never seen. the altered Scania 12 speed and get to 40 km / h to fix because it is bullshit and is far from reality

    1. 10K HP engine my test engine game testing.
      Not use!
      I have it, but if anyone wants to use

  14. I detect some #### here stewen you carry on with your work my friend and dont take notice of those who slag you off fair critisim is good i enjoy this mod keep your work up

  15. another #### : Te mekkora egy fasz vagy,csíra gyerek!Azt sem tudod miket beszélsz,de az kiderült,hogy egy gigantikus paraszt vagy.Mivel angolul nem tudtam volna ilyen szépen fogalmat alkotni rólad,ezúton kivánok sikert a fenti mondat lefordításához…

    Stewen: Szép munka mint mindíg

    1. Köszi, használd egészséggel.. Sajnos sok írigy szar van aki nem tud mit kitalálni hogy megpróbáljon lejáratni, de ez van 🙂 Tényleg nagy meló, és nem lopkodott. Már bánom hogy elküldtem az annyába mert csak bizonyítékot kellett volna kérni mire is gondol? és szépen megmutatni hogy köze sincs a melónak más módokhoz max hasnonlíthat de csak nagyon távolról…

      1. No rain yet?


  16. I love what he has done and I think that the foul mouth person who feel that using his mouth instead of his brain should take class in Internet Manners. Can we not all get along and enjoy what we have without using unintelligent language!

  17. No rain yet?

    1. what rain?

      1. no raining? all good weather?

        1. Not overwrite Factory default rain.
          Overwrite HDR setting, Fog etc.

  18. is it compatative with mario map 5.5 ?

    1. I do not know sorry.
      Please testing.

  19. fane sabie

    awesome thank you!

  20. memo90frost

    Great mod apart from the sounds. They seem a bit too harsh, they lack bass. I tried to remove them but ran into some issues, I had no sound at all.
    For the next version, try to release one without the sound mod.
    I really like the default Scania V8 sound from 1.9 but the mod just ruins it.

    1. not the intention to ruin, but to the repaired of sounds.
      Cabin sound too quiet, missing two new Scania engine sound, but work Brutal environment 6.1 reloaded prepare and many many truck-driver’s help the good sound option.

  21. Sry But I found every truck is same type of horn signal is that bux or that must be that way if not please next version add every truck different horn signal

  22. I tested include truckers map bygoba work it, but the environment external sound like Al sound not work at all

    1. Coming soon …. 🙂

  23. Schaffisen

    Can you fix it so Promods function of X-Brutal 6.1 would be so grateful.

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