Caterpillar C15 garsai Kenworth T660 vilkikui


Kenworth T660 vilkikui sukurti garsai. Paimti nuo Caterpillar C15



43 thoughts on “Caterpillar C15 garsai Kenworth T660 vilkikui

  1. kriechbaum

    Kenworth The World’s Best !

    an exemple of a Cat C15-550

    1. Good vid and sounds btw, but I think this vid is better

  2. Very good!!!
    keep it up!!!

  3. kriechbaum

    Thanks Volidas, your sounds are nice too !!

    1. Thank you mate !!!

  4. very nice job thanks

  5. I need this truck… Where can I find?

  6. paul hodgson

    nice sound but could do with the interior sorting out i had this truck but went i saw the interior i never left the show room with it. It now as a fantastic sound but poor interior hope some one can fix it.

  7. Thank you Kriechbaum!!!!! And The Author Of this great truck!

    I have found my new home away from home with this truck and sound combo.

    Keep up the good work guys!

  8. Thanks Kriechbaum

  9. snake20082

    Kriechbaum Your the man thank you soo much for this I can now build the truck of my dreams :)))

  10. Comme d’habitude Kriechbaum super son

  11. ne marche pas

    1. Bien sur qu’il ne marche pas, c’est un camion et un camion ça roule…

      Non mais sérieusement au lieu de simplement dire qu’il ne marche pas, tu pourrais détailler un peu afin d’être aidé…


  12. Cyrille tu es en bonne version ? Kriechbaum fait ses mods en 1.8 normalement

    1. kriechbaum

      Merci Fred, cette semaine j’m’occupe de tes Ivercos 😉

      -Cyril, en quelle version du jeu tu tournes? Car faut au moins être en 1.6 voir 1.7.


  13. Another job mate! very well done

  14. right small issue. i have the t660 and this sound, cant get them to work. Have bought the rig, and still has stock sound, have also tried changing engines in the shop. Any trick to this?


  15. I’m also haven the same issue

    1. kriechbaum


      For those having problems with this sound mod,

      Try to (if you can) sell the truck, disable the mod, close, and restart the game, enable the truck mod with my sound mod, then rebuy the truck. Make sure there’s still the “ZZZzzz” at the end of my sound’s mod name. To make the game load the sound mod at the end. If you do not want to sell the truck, at least try to start a new mission with this truck.


  16. ETS2_goinfre

    Doesn’t work either for me. Even with the above mentionned workaround. Selling the truck and resarting the game gives the same result : stock sound.

    I also tried to include Kriechbaum’s sound directly in the truck mod. I get the idle sound, but then, when I throttle up, i do not get any more sound. Just silence !

    Je suis un habitué des sons Kriechbaum, que je trouve toujours parfaits (merci au passage) sur tous les camions (Peterbilt, VNL,…). Mais dans le cas présent, il y a visiblement un souci. Merci de rectifier, si possible.
    PS : je suis bien en

  17. Chrisknowseverything

    Yeah same thing

  18. kriechbaum

    Hi, here’s the entire truck + the sound. An all in one. Will work for sure


  19. ETS2_goinfre

    Thank you very much for the complete truck, Kriechbaum. Thats’s very kind of you. I’m going to test it ASAP.

    Merci beaucoup pour le camion complet Kriechbaum. C’est très sympa de votre part. Je vais le tester sans tarder.

    Un grand bravo pour vos packs de sons.

  20. ETS2_goinfre

    Well done Kriechbaum !

    It works perfectly well now. Thank you very much.

    Tout fonctionne à merveille maintenant. Un grand merci, Kriechbaum !

    1. kriechbaum

      je t’en prie.

      1. Kriechbaum, one question does complete truck replace some truck or is this indpended truck in game, thanks

        1. kriechbaum

          The truck is the same as before. Just my sound is included to avoid sounds mod conflicts or malfunctions.

          this truck can be found at Man delearship. It’s a standalone truck.


  21. ok thanks a lot

  22. kriechbaum, I love yours mods and have never had an issue with any of them working. This one however is the first. I was very excited to see a new one that would work for sure. After installing the latest, my game crashes every time. Never had this problem before and not sure why now. I have tried disabling many of my mods thinking there was a conflict but no luck. Any suggestions?

  23. Ok, I got it to work. Not sure what I did but it was successful. Thanks.

  24. very nice!!!

  25. great work !!
    i’ve a quastion
    i want the driver cam a little bit futher to the rear so it looks a little bit more realistic, and i’ve a wider view to.
    can somebody do this or explain me how i can do that ??
    i am not really good with computers 🙁


  26. yeah I just downloaded your mediafire truck+sound link same as korey I after a little the game loads up and I started a new game with it after a few minutes after first load it crashes in quick job?

  27. bonjours oui je suis bien en
    je viens de voir que tu as mis le pack camion +son,
    mais il me bloque le jeu

    1. kriechbaum

      avec le camion + son ensemble, en pack, ça doit marcher.
      Le problème ne vient pas de mon mod son, car il est inclus. Ce camion est assez délicat, déjà il bloque le concessionnaire scania, et ensuite peut faire bugguer (parfois) le jeu. Ce que je te conseille, verifie bien les mods que tu as, supprimes bien le mod son que ce camion avait avant, et recommences une nouvelle mission pour voir.


  28. its weird its the sound that crashes ets2

  29. Aggravator

    Turbo is loud, like in reality
    It’s possible to lower it by editing the def .sii file.

    So how do you do that I have been looking and I cant find it

  30. Well done!! Great truck, thrilling sound, a very good job my man.

    I like everything about this truck but would like even more detail and perfection like your W900B mod.

    How can I make the gauge needles on dash more bright in night?

    Thanks again.

  31. thanks for the sound, its very similar than the link video, i think it need a little more treble, its too bassy i think, the turbo sound its ok 4 me…

  32. please update for version 1.9.22

  33. muy bien

  34. JuanPablo

    En que concesionario lo puedo encontrar?
    Por favor respondan.

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