(EN) DAF XF E6 v1.44 + Cabin Accessories DLC

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10 thoughts on “(EN) DAF XF E6 v1.44 + Cabin Accessories DLC

  1. Thats a nice truck!
    What have you for a trailer pack?

  2. download link plis???

  3. Seems the Load is too high for google this time ^^

    “Sorry, you can’t view or download this file at this time.

    Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. … “

  4. mattyjones4994

    love the mod! 🙂 Small request for next update?
    On your custom bars and lightbox bar the led’s on the bar can you make them as a tuning point point so you can choose what u want on the bar and how many on it.
    like on custom bar 2 etc the visor has led’s in, can you make so we can choose what we want on like other led’s , lights , beacons , Michelin man etc..

  5. It’s perfect. thk. More than the volvo and I shall be in seventh heaven

  6. chris4239

    kanen niemden de vrachtwagen over nieuw op zet voor mijn ik kan geen foto.s bij zetenom deze vrachtwagen gaat het DAF XF EURO 6 WEEDA [1.19.X]

  7. This mod does not work in version 1.21, the chassis is moved.

  8. robert askin

    could you please email me, as i would like you to create a skin for me? I am a partner in my families haulage business called Askin Haulage, we operate daf and volvo trucks, I was hoping you could create me a design if i send you some trucks, as i do not drive trucks anymore? thanks.

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