(EN) DAF XF Euro 6 Hide Steering Wheel

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32 thoughts on “(EN) DAF XF Euro 6 Hide Steering Wheel

  1. EneaMaconi


  2. Strahinja

    Most ###### mod ever for ETS2 in whole history of gaming industry!!!

    1. you havn´+t been around here for a lomng time, I can hear that lol

      1. Adriandelahunedoara

        It really is ######,I download mods since the game came out in 2012 and haven’t seen something like this.

  3. I think you should make a normal interior mod. This is ###### I think. Who will download this mod? Who? Nobody.
    You should use your skills other way, man.

  4. What is the point of this? There is no point. Nobody is going to use this. Why would they?

  5. Somebody just opened a mesh and said “aw whatever” and hit the delete key on the first button they pressed.

  6. are you retarded

  7. congratulations 🙂

  8. this is the most stupidest mod ever made what planet did you come from.lol

  9. Matthijs de Goede

    What the f*ck!
    You are retarded? Why you do this ####?

  10. ### ?

  11. ###### ####

  12. Adriandelahunedoara

    Do you even potato?

  13. The wheel in the game behind my g 27 mod with this I do not see the helm and it is only better!I like

  14. Quent-1_Fr

    I love this mod <3
    Best mod ever 20/20

  15. What is wrong with you people? This is a modification to a game. To a game! If you don’t like it just don’t use it. Nobody’s forcing you. Do you all feel better after calling the guy all kinds of names? Is it making your manliness getting bigger? Oh, I forgot. With this kind of intelligence it haven’t started growing yet. If this happened to you I bet you would run to your moms crying. Grow up and be respectful to your fellow human beings.

    1. Well said m8.

  16. I saw a potato yestreday.
    This sentence was 10 times more useful than this mod.

  17. Great mod. Any chance you can make it for the Volvo’s and Scania’s too 🙂

    1. R2limited

      Scania R’s is currently under construction.:)

    2. R2limited

      I uploaded Scania R hide steering wheel v0.9.


  18. What’s the point? It doesn’t hide everything on the steering wheel.
    It should, otherwise it’s useless and ugly.

  19. Blaziken777Sverige

    So unnessecary -_-
    But i don’t have anything against those who still likes it tho…

    1. Blaziken777Sverige


  20. This mod is useful for steering wheel steering controller and triple monitor users.
    Of course I like this Mod.
    By the way, uguys that ranting and raving here,Does your mom told this?
    \you must all sorts of abuse on what you can not understand\

  21. HenriqueSantos

    This mod is for those who use a steering wheel.
    because this way our screen viewing becomes cleaner,
    only viewing the dashboard.

    But this is for those who have good equipment installed at home..
    steering wheel monitor with a significant size..
    that is, for those who really seeks to do the simulation.

    Now, the vast majority use a small monitor and control the keyboard or mouse.. oh yes this mod is not for you at all.

    And if you still do not like, okay, it’s simple,
    do not use or do something better..!

    But have respect for those who develop free content for you.

    1. Well said.
      Your comment is accurate and elegant.

      1. HenriqueSantos

        Thank you Jorge, you also did good!

        We can always find intelligent answers
        for less intelligent people ..
        as in the situation of these ungrateful kids. 🙂

  22. R2limited

    Thanks to some of the intellectual comments. :-)

    I can maintain the motivation in you guys comment.
    I will be able to soon release some of the Mods.

  23. Definitely would love to see the Volvo version please. This is very useful for us realistic FOV users. Is it possible to delete the whole wheel and column?

    Sad seeing the lack of respect in some of these comments…..thanks for your work and hope to see more!

    1. R2limited

      Hi Nino 🙂

      In DAF column and function keys did not erase.
      I was upload file to the following URL.

      But in Scania it was completely hidden.

      Volvo?It’s a good car.
      fh16? Or 2012?
      It needs a lot of time to this work.
      So please you waiting patiently.

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