(EN) DB Schenker Scania R2016 by AddyJ

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14 thoughts on “(EN) DB Schenker Scania R2016 by AddyJ

  1. TheGreenlightTrucker

    143MB Skin 😀

  2. noelasegg

    +TheGreenLightTrucker Read the description for info. He says:

    Some of DDS file is too big (I don’t know the issue)

    1. TheGreenlightTrucker

      I had read it. I read ALWAYS first 😉

  3. TruckerOne

    Resize the dds files…..
    A lot of white dds files with nothing….
    Just use only one!

    1. AddyJCustoms

      Thanks for your tips!, I will update it next version 😀


    How did you make the lightbox compatible with the tandem ?

    1. AddyJCustoms

      Here is some stuff you can put on tandem cabin.


        AddyJCustoms Thanks a lot i was looking for the tandem cabin for a while !!!

  5. Je n’arrive pas a faire fonctionner le mod

    1. Pour faire fonctionner, tu doit avoir imperativement:
      For make working this Mod (or similar) you need imperatif:
      – Tandem addon for Next Gen Scania by Siperia
      – Tandem addon for RJL Scania rs&r4 by Kast (27.03.19)
      et normalement aussi le RJL Scania RS
      Autrement ca marche pas.
      Otherwise it will not work.

      You find all in the SCS-Forum or search here for “KAST”
      and “RJL”

  6. Cargotrans

    Not Working.

  7. Addyj,
    when you using the Templates from Kast, they are all in 2048×2048
    That will make your Mod much lighter 😉

    1. AddyJCustoms

      What would you recommend to make skin looks better? 😀

      1. First you should take the Original Templates (2048×2048) and make the Boxes for the Truck.
        For the Trailer the same. Save as png and than transform with DXBmp in DDS. Or with GIMP, which is better.
        When you finished the Mod, do not make a SCS, make it as zip, which works also well as scs, but it´s smaller.
        We´re making Trailerpacks with 8 or 10 Trailers with around 1mb.
        You made 5kx5k, too big and so you have a Mod with 140mb.
        The white we have a max. from 512×512, that´s enough.
        If you want to have a Look, search for JBK here or go to our Site.
        And you can contact us there. 😉

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