(EN) Estonia Rusmap Connecting Map

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16 thoughts on “(EN) Estonia Rusmap Connecting Map

  1. AlexCrazy

    wow 🙂 it great!
    maybe in next version road Pskov-Tartu?

  2. AlexCrazy

    and add Narva city 🙂

  3. Does it work with Rusmap1.5.2+TSM 6.1.1 ?

    1. I believe TSM can’t interfere, because is located south side of the Europe, not even close to Peterburg.

    2. AlexCrazy

      where you see Estonia in TSM? :))))))

  4. Hea töö Aare!
    Anna aga minna!!

  5. which priority in mod manager?

    1. You can see all information inside the manager/mod info

  6. Unfortunately your mod will be obsolete shortly.
    We have included Narva, and a border crossing as well as a road connecting to Pskov in ProMods 2.0.

    Best regards
    Team ProMods

    1. Not a problem at all. I got a practice, and I am satisfied with that.
      Waiting already for a long time this connection. Only now do I realize how big this work is.

    2. About when can we expect the Promods 2.x

  7. Aare! Вы можете сделать что нибудь своё по настоящему стоящее не вторгаясь в те области, которые уже в перспективе заняты?
    Представитель команды ProMods, Вам, уже выше ответил.
    Все хотят строить карты, но не у всех сиё получается. Духу и терпения не хватает.
    Aare! You can do something really worthwhile for their not interfering in those areas that are already engaged in the long term?
    The team representative ProMods, you have already answered above.
    All want to build a card, but not all of these things work. Spirit and patience is not enough.

  8. Ooops!)))

  9. As it turns out, ProMods 2.0 doesn’t actually do what this mod does. it will conflict (not tested at time of posting) since some of this mods road is in ProMods 2.0. However, ProMods doesn’t have a road between St. Petersburg and Estonia, nor is there a road between Pskov-Tartu.

    I have enjoyed this mod by the way. Nice job. If I knew how to mod I would make things like this too.

  10. RusMap 6.0 has made this and several other connections to ProMods now. Just letting You know.

    Thanks again for this mod. I got quite a bit of use out of it! =)

  11. 00:00:39.186 : Unable to find ‘Road – left vegetation’ ’17sc’ for 0x519810967A00001
    00:00:39.187 : Unable to find ‘Road – left vegetation’ ’45sc’ for 0x519810967A00001

    for ProMods 2.0+Rusmap 1.6

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