Naujas Scania garažas


Tik dideliam garažui
Autoriai: SCS Software, pete379jp
Tekstūra: Fred_be


14 thoughts on “Naujas Scania garažas

  1. Nice mod, Could you do a Volvo version as well ?

    1. Flippymusa

      Already Volvo Garage

  2. Could you please make a DHL garage, too? Your creations are awesome!

  3. And one for Eddie Stobart please

  4. mikepattaya

    Cannot Download it.
    Sharemods just sites waiting at 20 seconds and does nothing.

  5. mikepattaya

    Disregard my last comment. Found out it was an ad blocker I had running. Thanks for the garage. It looks well cool.

  6. They are all done, it takes the administrator to put them on the site.

  7. Make a Kenworth version.
    Make a Peterbilt version.

  8. Good for ?


  9. Je sais pas Bernard, tu peux tester 🙂

    1. Salut Fred,

      J’aime beaucoup la couleur de ce garage mais je ne suis pas prêt à ne pas me servir de mon “company_board” custom. J’ai essayé de l’intégrer mais ton fichier est password protected 🙁 Alors, je vais me contenter de ton garage original qui est très bien aussi.

      Thanks a lot pour tout ton exellent travail


  10. roy johnson

    there is a password that’s needed in order to use the mod or does it block people from trying to change it cause i am having problems with it uploading in the game

  11. roy johnson

    Let me add that you have Data error ; Prefab in the file which means that this mod might not work right is the a fixed version of this same mod that i can download and use.

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