Irano dykumos žemėlapis


Irano žemėlapis
Autorius: Farzad


48 thoughts on “Irano dykumos žemėlapis

  1. Can you tell us more about the map, for example what cities are included

  2. Please change the link!

  3. right of the paris. veeeeeeeeeeery goooooooooooooood

  4. yay the Iranians are back with their beleif that Iran is somehow part of europe when it isn’t and never will be

    not for me not downloaded JOG THE F’ ON

    1. Oh no! Someone made a map mod of a country outside of Europe! The end is nigh!

      Please keep us updated on future mods you will not be downloading. Thankyou.

    2. truckers rolls

      well maybe Iran will never be part of europe.. but if you look it that way see muslims are taking over europe.. and they eating you from inside.. so in couple of years.. france will be muslim and some others..
      think about that..

      1. hi. i’m french and you are in true. 🙁

    3. we don’t need to be a part of europe.
      All of you need our country.

  5. Battlefield – left side PARIS

  6. Has no one tried it yet? Do I have to be the guinea pig again?

  7. Can we at least keep it English!!!!!!

  8. #### MAP MOD ####!!!

  9. why you always comment like a ##### when iran people upload about iran?not part of europe?oh you so ######.thats freedom for any people.yeah i know,you definitely upset with iran.because religion or about war.please give freedom/right to iran.just look at american map?they part of europe?they’re is not part of europe but you do a good comment.haha i believe you are upset with iran because religion/war.please give freedom/right to iran

    Aldino Nabil Makarim

    1. setuju gan hahaha

    2. thanks aldino.

  10. @cj i think you must study to Indonesia to study about respect to each other,countries/religion/tribe

  11. @TFM,thats bad/ugly/worse?just write a good comment to author to fix.just easy right?this website is respect to each other

  12. In Iran they dont have trucks they have goats and camels

      1. Your warm breath brother Farzad. Thing you say to them that nothing else None.

      2. i dont think the last one i from Iran, It looks too vesternstyleish..

    1. you can come to Iran and see how many Iranian trucks can fit in your ###



  15. listo lo baje de el link que puso farzad gracias

  16. @KimLarsen haha iran goat and camels?they have good energy for long route,you?ride in a dog ahahaha #####

  17. Hello!,

    This map is in error. No downlod.
    Please fix+

  18. @osvaldo this is a good tips for comment for anybody

  19. Iran’s donkey ride, you’re a good mom KimLarsen

    1. You’re a good motherKimLarsen donkey you rode in Iran

  20. You’re all ######, but some people are not our government Fools

  21. You people have no respect, I am from Europe and I like Iran, what’s wrong with them? Personally I would like to see more of the Middle East Map: Iran,Iraq,Lebanon…

    If you don’t like mod, don’t download it, it’s easy as that.

    1. thanks Edin.we love you.

    2. Thank you my friend. We love you

    3. @Edin : I second the motion ^_^
      It would be cool to have other maps just for the fun of driving a truck on it. Europe map is good and have many cities….but after a while, it tends to get boring. So a change in scenery would be nice. Dont you think?? ^_^

    4. thanks man in Iran we are waiting for your trip to Iran give it a try and Iranians like you too

  22. Iranian kids love you edin
    You are a gentleman and to respect other people and their work

    I Love You edin

  23. Probably he is a grade school student and I don’t know why he hates Indonesia so much.

    1. @Edin : Maybe because of the media. People with no insight (yet) tends to believe whatever the media throw at them. Oh yeah…have you play Dread Out demo?
      It’s an upcoming horror game from Indonesia. It’ll blow your mind ^_^ try it.

  24. @edin i thinks jealous with indonesia,because in denpasat,bali.australian people are stay at there.many australian people are like to stay there.and i think he live in forest (ancient people) dont know about world,respect.hahaha i just laugh to look his comment.dont have respect like an ancient people

    1. Bali is a known tourist destination, you are from there?

  25. @edin denpasar,bali,indonesia i mean *typo*

  26. @edin,i not from there,i from jakarta (east jakarta) but i ever went there 2 times

  27. salam javoon baba damet jiiiiiizzzzzzz hal kardam ba karet migam jade chaloso jade mash hado picho khamaye kordestanooo kolan naghsheye kole irano nemishe becheponi kenare en oropayiha badesh rasti dada iran ke hamash kavir ni mashtiii 😀 ya hagh montazeram

  28. Not-racist

    Excuse me? Muslims are not the problem; you are.

  29. I want to remind to use English language. Comments with non english language will be removed.

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