(EN) Island Zone Indonesian

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83 thoughts on “(EN) Island Zone Indonesian

  1. riodandy007


    1. banyak crash sma bugs nya gan

    2. extrack yg pertama bener “publik”,tapi yg ke dua “publik not work !!!
      pasword nya dong min buat extrack zip yg ke 2 ??

    3. yooo Emang pass nya apaan si? kaga ngarti gua

  2. Nice Map.. Feels great to drive around new areas.. good work ! 🙂 .. works on 16.2 without any problems..

    1. dzul fadhli

      pasword keduanya apa mas?
      yg izi standalone v01??

  3. asal pake ato gimana nih?

  4. deveria ter esse mapa como complemento para outros mapas, e tbm para versoes anteriores ,

    1. riodandy007

      this map is standalone

  5. this is a brilliant map. I love these real time maps. looking forward to you enlarging this map

  6. Pascal_Forza

    why is it with a pasword ?



    1. rahmatagung

      mas pasword ke2 apa mas pliss tolong kasih tau

  8. riodandy007

    pasword is publik

  9. not working 🙁 can you fix this prob?when loading,it was stopped wrking,i need this map,i love indonesia

    1. Paswword ke 1 : Publik , terus pas ke 2 ?apa gan ???

      1. ya apa password file zip yg kedua?

  10. It’s very good, you have to change the game by setting module profile. THX.

    1. What is a second pas of this mod?

  11. Alexandra

    Wow. Fantastic Map. For Me It Is The Best Indonesia Map For ETS2 :). Keep Up The Good Work

  12. Excelent Excelent Map & works perfect very very recomended. Thank you.

    1. What on password zip 2 ?

  13. Gustav Rhan
  14. avenged_134

    Password: publik
    how to use: input mod to c: / MyDocument / euro truck simulator 2 / mod paste it here, run the game, click on edit profile, check the map mod, change the playing module from Europe to indonesia.mbd.
    and Enjoy the game!

    1. avenged_134

      you must create new Profile!

    2. password yg kedua apa yh pls?mohon tipsnya yh

  15. tembilahan i found 2 bux and those are…

    1. pertanina company are mark where can go and accept work this is place where is not to be and
    2. in rest place in over street where is truck repair there is hole in ground where drop in for truck

    1. riodandy007

      for bugs message this people whit the location and the screenshot https://www.facebook.com/Assavin.El.Ridhoe

  16. sorry agan agan, mau tanya, saya kan newbie, kalau mod ini di pakai ke versi bisa ga?? apa harus pake versi 1.6. aja ?? tolong pencerahannya ya

  17. sorry agan” , saya newbie, mau tanya dong,,.. mod ini bisa di pakai di versi ga?? apa harus di versi 1.6 aja?? maaf sebelumnya, saya newbie

  18. Parabens pelo mapa , visual muito bom , gostaria de saber se tem como fazer esse mapa como complemento para usar com outros mapas Uso (TSM,RUSMAP>ROADDMAP,NEIGEMAP,RPMMAP,EAA,)todos para a versao 1.14, e gostaria de ter esse mapa em meu jogo tambem , obrigado

  19. what is second pasword ?

  20. thx again for sharing this map.

    I have issues in v1.16.2s

    some game.log.txt in


    – when try run [goto city-xyz] the game crash/abort;
    – some problem in warehouses – only freight available to unique one city.

    can help and/or fix?

  21. gan, kok kota nya gak muncul pada awal buat profil

    1. avenged_134

      Tolong baca Read me nya. Playing Module udh di ganti belom?!

      1. Mas avenged pass. ke 2 nya apa , kasih tau lah yg ganteng 😀

      2. caranya ngubah playing modulnya gimana gan? punya saya crash terus.thaks

  22. Muhammad Farhan

    password yang kedua apa ya gan ?

  23. gan, ko pas loading crash ni,, pdahal udh ikutin tutornya ni.

  24. gan, ko crash ni pas loding nya

  25. crash gan pas loding nya

  26. Someone has asked but I see no answer. You use the word “publik” to extract the first file. This reveals a second compressed folder that requires another password. “publik” does not work for this. What is the second password?

    This far in the process I have not seen any .scs files. I hope if I can get the second password that it is as simple as putting the .scs files in the mod folder. I am not sure what is supposed to be done with the mass of files there otherwise, all the objects and everything else.

  27. For those who were confused like I was, I have figured this out.

    The second compressed folder which asks for a password does not in fact need to be extracted. Instead the entire compressed folder is put into the “mod” folder in the usual ETS 2 mod folder in My Documents where .scs files normally go.

  28. woy apa sih password yg kedua?

  29. ExperimentalTrucker

    Hello. I’m way late on driving on this map.
    Here’s some deliveries that were completed within the map…
    Definitely, a nice map to play

    Banda Aceh to Lampung 228 mile run

    Lampung to Bukit Tinggi 148 mile run

    Bukit Tinggi to Pekanbaru 42 mile run

    Banda Aceh to Medan 111 mile run


  30. Sarcastrophe

    Great map, extreme roads! Looking forward to the Java island update.

  31. wah gimana mau pake gan password rar yg kedua aja ga ada… tolong kalau mau share,mending ga usah share kalau mau develop. makasih infonya bila tak keberatan kirim ke email saya [email protected]

  32. I’ve been playing this map for a little while now and I’m enjoying it but there are a couple of goofy issues that need to be resolved.

    Several dry van, refrigerated, and tank trailers have an intermodal container skin painted over them. It looks pretty bad especially on the aerodynamic skirts some trailers have.

    Also there is a frequent random police siren sound at points along the road even when there is no police car visible. Also it happens often enough to be an irritation.

    This map could be a real fine one with a little more work. I was just checking here to day in hopes that maybe a new version has come out.

  33. To add further input, the siren sound often is coming from some semi trucks. I have not seen a pattern of any particular trucks that cause it.

  34. Kira kira lama ga gan downloadnye ? 😀

  35. om password extrator yang ke dua apa? ane coba “publik” kagak bisa.

  36. ade giovani

    password yang ke-2 apa gan ?? olong beri tahu

  37. Kenapa pas loding tiba tiba keluar

    1. share password keduanya gan..

  38. apa password keduanya ne….

  39. password keduanya apa ni gan….

  40. password kedua nya apa please, kasih tau kasian yang udh download ga di kasih tau

  41. mantap, ditunggu updatenya..

  42. dzul fadhli

    passwordnya apa aja gan setelah publik? soalnya yg v01 pakai publik gak bisa?

  43. password ke dua apa ya :3

  44. i.Z.i_standaloneMapBy.Ridho.Ls_Vol.01.rar

    bagi yang tau password rar tersebut mohon sangat infonya gan..
    atau kirim ke email saya [email protected]


  45. Pasword yang kedua ap.

  46. update nya gan untuk v 1.17

  47. yudi dharma

    Clue password yang pertama lihat di README INA/ENG dalam file rar. Password yang kedua tidak diperlukan dan tidak perlu diekstrak, langsung saja di copy ke folder modnya. Sy baca di blog sebelah

  48. Untuk versi 1.18.x kenapa crash terus gan? Mohon jawabannya.

    1. hary teguh saputro

      Sama gan punya saya jg gtu ki gan.hla agan udah punya solusinya belum gan?

  49. whelldone

    agan, yg izi standalone itu passnya apa?
    pass: publik gabisa …

  50. hary teguh saputro

    Maaf agan agan saya mau tanya kokk udah mod map izi tp kokk truss keluar sendiri ya pas loading akhir tiba2 kluar sendiri gan?kalau ada yg tau bisa coment ya n makasih yg sudah ngasih tau.salamm gamers indonesia

  51. hary teguh saputro

    Bingung udah d mod pake map izi ini pas loading tiba2 kluar sendiri pdhal udah ngikutin putunjuk scara benar..kalau bertanya paling jg gak ada yg jwb…huuuffftt

  52. Khoirul Anshori

    setelah baca file README nya, ternyata file i.Z.i_standaloneMapBy.Ridho.Ls_Vol.01 yang ada passwordnya dan berkestensi .zip itu gak perlu di ekstrak, langsung di copy ke folder mod nya kk.. ^_^

  53. pasworrdnya apa gan

  54. Ini bisa dipake gak di v1.18.1.3 ?

  55. extract sekali aja gan yg pake pass publik,

  56. yo bro ini bisa gak di versi 1.17.1s

    tolong bales GPL

  57. bang+kok+waktu+di+drive+langsung+crash

  58. Mas bro map jowo nya ko kaga ada, pencerahannya plisss

  59. Ferdiansyah

    Om tolong dong password keduanya apa? Soalnya ets2 ane v.1.22 jadinya harus ada yg di apus. Makasih banyak atas yg mau balas dan semoga di kasih balasan juga sama Allah

  60. Password apa

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