(EN) Kacper’s Engine Pack v 3.22

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8 thoughts on “(EN) Kacper’s Engine Pack v 3.22

  1. I need a password to extract the Mod

    1. We should not unpack. Mod will suffice to throw in archive zip to brochure.

      1. That´s it. There are too much People, which hack modsa, etc.
        Only in Modfolder and active.

        Why unpack ??? We also protect our Mods…

  2. And there are also people who judge the mods of people without really knowing how the mod was designed and without demonstrable evidence

    1. why i cant buy trucks from dealers on ats 1.31 with this mod activated? you say this mod works on ats .the mod works in ats but you cant buy trucks from dealers level 32 can you tell my why?

      1. The mod is not mine, I can not answer the question, I’m sorry

  3. I could kindly know what the password is for the extraction. Thanks

  4. Error+in+log+file+as+well+too+many+categories,+check+your+mod+for+these+things+please,+but+overall+great+mod.+just+update+it+again+with+the+Overall+of+the+mod+itself+….+fixes+like+has+a+manifest+file,+models+updated,+mod_description+file,+Image+of+mod+for+mod+manager,+and+documentation+as+well.++Nice+Work+though.+be+nice+if+u+did+not+put+password+on+archive+for+people+like+myself+like+to+have+error+free+game+log.++Would+only+fix+these+things+myself+only+for+personal+use.+Would+not+re-upload+mod+without+proper+approval+from+original+arthur.+With+that+said+everyone+should+follow+that+rule+of+thumb+with+your+mod+archive+to+not+have+errors+in+mod+as+well+as+game+log+file.+TEST+IT+FIRST!+(Check+Your+Logs)+before+you+release+your+said+mod.




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