(EN) Kamaz 54118 Reworked [1.28b]

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11 thoughts on “(EN) Kamaz 54118 Reworked [1.28b]

  1. 2017-06-08 18:40:48 by aIdimator
    Be careful

  2. aidimator – great fakemaker

  3. Phantom94

    Nice fake, my adaptation, lol my screenshot

    1. TheJustice

      Phantom…..you’re kidding us…
      You’re aldimator, and much more nicknames like mods ats…

      1. Phantom94

        hahaha, and it’s very funny actually. thank you laugh to tears. If I adapt it can be seen, and not just make a new link with the old mod.

  4. It’s a bit conspicuous, that this uploader with name ‘aidimator’ has chosen this nick name for some special reason. Because it is pretty similar to the honourable Author with name “aldim@tor” – who is the creator of the famous RusMaps.
    So this guy ‘aidimator’ should explain this ‘coincidental’ name similarity and – by the way – he should tell us who he is in real.
    In general I don’t like people who misuse names, who are fakers, liars and thiefs for only one reason: To make lousy money.

    1. Totally agree

  5. Yeaah, thanks, I only tell truth here…… meanwhile the ‘shadows’ keep on hiding, as expected……..

  6. homerlvsbeer

    very sad sad individual. this mod is not real. had lots of issues with download. obvious something isnt right with it.
    somemothers do have them.
    they life sucks so they go around trying to upset others. week individuals do that not strong people. strong people lift each others up. week people make fake mods and try to abuse and bring people down to their low levels. so they can feel like equals or better. because they make no effort in their sad life to be a better human being. so they attack those who do well who they think is doing better than them or show that they are enjoying something. this is a very very sad person.
    prob insane. prob schizo

  7. еще один фейк от aidimatora…народ,если где видите моды от этого непорядочного человека-это 100% фейк.Не качайте!У каждого мода есть свой автор …настоящий,а не этот уг

  8. и не путайте этого проходимца с автором карты Русмап-Дмитрием ( aldim@tor)

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