Pakelta ašis


Pakelta ašis visiems sunkvežimiams

Autorius: Nikola Kostovski


32 thoughts on “Pakelta ašis

  1. not this on but other mod preview :

  2. Nikola thank you it works very well

  3. Ho 🙁
    You have stolen my idea

    1. If you see carefully,you can see that my version of this mod came out,and then yours ..
      and this is not only your idea,lets be clear..

      1. biochazard

        hello i know you are verry good in making mods i use allot of your mods could you take a look at this one and tell me if you can make it?

        would you wanna make this one? no one seems to wanna make it it’s a mod trailer from German truck simulator

    2. yeah i know XD that sucks.

    3. steal idea? you must be joking lol

  4. My scania lifted axle came first then these mod. My update was for all trucks. But thanks 🙁

    1. why have you removed your version

  5. Actualy no one of you guys were first. This idea have been made before to older patches, Actualy in 2012 :)but great mod both have made

    1. Search for a lifted axle mod that was previous done,and you’ll see that i have made the first lifted axle in 2012…

  6. Ohh, my bad. But my point was that this isnt the first axle mod

  7. for scania R2008 by 50k too?

  8. How does it work?

  9. scaniaR560V8

    is it for 50k scania ?

  10. werkt het wel?

  11. We all know that your double trailers were a hoax now.

    “Giga Liner with Both Steering Trailer”

    I feel sorry for you, having to lie to feel important.

    1. wh ydo yuo think he ut them in a straight line, to not show it has no articulation point inbetween

  12. How do i lift the axel and how do i can unlift it?
    Which key do i need to press?

  13. Just keep making mods instead of fighting over them. Better more mods of the same type than none. Right? Competition is what drives us. 😛

      1. Can you tell us how to lift and unlift it???

        1. Lift= add to the game
          unlift= remove from the game

          1. button??????

  14. supersteve2345

    If you don’t upload again to here can you send me a link to your mod, I saw yours first so would prefer it from you

  15. Please make it for the scania 2008 please please please 🙂 and make a boogie for the 2008 pleeaseeeeee

    1. +1. PLZ PLZ PLZ! MAKE IT FOR Scania R2008!

  16. Is IT To for 50k r2008

  17. i have a mod like this already on my game, dont know who made it but it tends to put my trucks on their a little too easily. is this one any better?

  18. on their side***

  19. how make it

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