(EN) Map Australia Tasmania v 5.0 for 1.18.x Addon

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21 thoughts on “(EN) Map Australia Tasmania v 5.0 for 1.18.x Addon

  1. Nimeni.Altu

    it works with tsm map 6…?? or rus-map 1.5?

  2. Could you give us a whole map screenshot?
    We can’t know whare does the mod adds…

    1. Faelandaea

      Uh . . . .

      Okay I like map screnshots, too, but just a guess, I am thinking by the title that this adds Australia – mainly the area of Tasmania. Just a guess.

  3. when I drive of ship and go down the road till the off ramp it crashes> anybody have same issue?

  4. WobblyCaptain

    The trouble I find with this map is unless I pick a quick job not using my own truck most loads take be back to Europe which is a pain I as want to drive on this map its difficult to find a load which keeps you in this map is there a quick fix?

  5. Пожалуйста сделайте скриншот карты!

  6. TeddyBear

    game crashes when trying to access iveco dealer to buy a truck!

  7. please tell me how to install this mod. The game is not responding when loading. I only install this mod.

    1. After you download it the map, just do the following:
      1. Unzip it (you can use 7-zip for this, because it’s free). To unzip the downloaded file, just right click on it and then select 7-zip -> Exctract Here / Extract to… (which one you like).
      2. Then, just drag and drop into “(My) Documents/ Euro Truck Simulator 2/ mod/” folder, all 4 files you just unzip it (you can add also as many “zzzzzzz” as you like in front of each of them, if you want):


      3. Then, select all of them in your game profile and enjoy the map (no need to make a new profile for this map, because it’s an add-on map)…

      This map works with following maps (all last versions): TSM 6, Russia Map, Baltic Countries, Russian open space, Skm Extended map, EAA and Korea map. Unfortunately, with all maps enabled I couldn’t find any job (cargo) on this TAS map. And also gas stations and truck dealers, for some reason, don’t work.
      For me, this isn’t a big trouble, because I drive only car mods (with enough fuel tank) and I use this map only for different driving situations.
      In my opinion, this it’s not a bad map, but there are a few bugs (missing movers, sounds etc) and also most of the time there are not even important road signs, as main road, give road and speed limit. Many roads are only “road continuous line” and without “superfine” option enabled, which look awkward (not smooth roads / lines) on bends… But, as I said before, it’s a good add-on only for driving and that’s it. If Ivanmykyta will fix all this bugs, then, this map will become also like the others ones I mentioned above: a great and indispensable add-on map!;)…
      Anyway, thank you for sharing and keep up the good and hard work, because to make a map (even with bugs) involve a lot of time, patience and imagination! ;)…

      1. Thanks 🙂

  8. Ребята,эта карта пoлнoе Фуфлo!Дерьмo!

  9. Hi all

    Does Crash in the Near from the Renault Dealer in Budapest

    Gamelog.txt say:

    ERROR> [model] Unknown look name ‘look1’ on model ‘/prefab/truck_dealer/truck_dealer_02.pmd

    When ill Remove the map.scs no Erros and i can pass the Renault Dealer
    The Error must be in the map.scs File

    My Version is


    1. ivanmykyta11

      The next version of this error will be corrected, namely near the departures dealers

  10. Work with 1.16.2?

  11. im at dover port wanting to go there but i cant get a ship thats going there

  12. IvanmilYka, please, create a thread in

    http://forum.scssoft.com/viewforum.php?f=32 for discussion and improvements to this map

    1. ivanmykyta11

      I register there and opened the subject, but the list is not yet see

  13. antony0320

    funciona para la versión 1.19?

  14. jorge caceres

    el mod no me carga el juego y me dice que dejo de funcionar mi ETS2, instalo todo tal cual tengo la version , quien me puede ayudar

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