(EN) Mercedes Actros MP2 Addon v 7.0.1

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18 thoughts on “(EN) Mercedes Actros MP2 Addon v 7.0.1

  1. jorgent97

    Hd test..

  2. Thanks a lot!
    Is there any chance to make the same addon for the Volvo FH12-16 I Generation by Nikola too?

    1. I’ll seriously think about it.

  3. Franz Meersdonk

    Very cool, thx 🙂

    Is it possible to move the 5th wheel a bit closer towards the cabin so the trailer attaches more closer to the cabin?

    1. Yes, I can. Same as 4×2 ?

  4. Franz Meersdonk

    Would be cool, or maybe something more like the MP4 Actros 4×2.

    I think most trucks ingame have this “problem” that trailer attaches a bit too far away from the cabin, there is too much space between trailer and cabin 🙂

  5. ets2player


  6. ets2player

    Could you make mp2 tandem mod pls??!

  7. Привет, Nikola!
    В 1.30 open beta вот такая хрень возникает:
    Пока грузовик в гараже – всё нормально. Но стоит в него сесть – оба крыла куда-то деваются и справа сбоку какая-то хрень висит… Ну то есть, понятно, что это крыло.. но не место ему там.. Ещё табличка TIR сползает на бампер, ну и номерной знак не отрихтован после ДТП… Абыдно, блин, это один из моих самых любимых грузовиков почему-то… Посмотри, пожалуйста, на досуге, ладно?

  8. Needs an update.
    With 1.30. one of the fenders sticks out of the truck.
    also a 6×4 would be cool.

    1. also, the 2550 logo on the side moves with the cabin. I don’t know if it is the addon or the actual source mod that has these problems.
      thank you

  9. fix the 25 badge on the side doors and in uk version line up the wipers properly

    1. and fix the side fenders they are not in place

  10. please update it already i want to play with this mod and an air filter at the back of the cabin on the 6×2 chassis would be much better

  11. Please, please, please!!!!! Fix side fenders! https://yadi.sk/a/ik2WtI5r3Pqb2b
    I really love this truck! I see it in my dreams!!!

  12. ja volim

  13. ja volim taj brokram eto je torbar

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