Mercedes-Benz Actros MPIV


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Versija 1.10.x


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26 thoughts on “Mercedes-Benz Actros MPIV

  1. make chassis 8×4 please DANZ

  2. very nice but its the old Interior

  3. KingScania

    00:01:28.676 : The accessory ‘/def/vehicle/truck/mercedes.actros/interior/standard.sii’ conflicts with the accessory ‘stream.mercedes.actros4.cabin’, which declares it as default (directly or indirectly)! Check the integrity of the vehicle’s accessory data. Adding item aborted.
    00:01:28.680 : Interior data are missing, expect problems

  4. old interior is better the new interior crash to my thansk for the mod!

    1. if it’s crashing for you doesn’t make it better !! it means you have a problem !

  5. Hello DANZ is it posible to get spoilers removable? in the new updates of this mod?

  6. Thanks for the mod Danz , I love it

  7. Very very good but old interior
    plase make interior for is mod

  8. awsome mod!!!

  9. I can’t change rear cabin spoiler from plastic to colorable. I also don’t have every tuning slots like it is in the video why ? ;/

    1. me too…

      1. SharpeGamezModz

        Rename with a load of z’s infront of the mod name (Eg ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ_MB_Actros_MP4.scs)

        1. It works, thanks a lot, and thx to Danz for this perfect mod !

  10. TYVM

    for updated format
    metallic paint 🙂

    No errors on game.log.txt to me on v1.10.1.12s

    1. please, on next version, do it optional internal itens on cab.


  11. apferreira truckman

    very good job, but I’ll wait for version with more axes

  12. yes! The best Mod for Mercedes MP4. Thank You Danz!

  13. nice work and nice truck but i cant find tuning options like in video.plese help

    1. Yea me too and I don’t know why ;(

  14. Please anybody could repair that I don’t have every tuning slots? For example I can’t change plastic bumper and cabin spoiler to colorable. ;(

    1. skeety2014

      remove any backgrounds changing mods


  16. I’m just going to wait for the official update – at least then we get the right hand drive UK spec truck

    having said that this is the nicest MP4 mod i’ve seen – good work

  17. I would love to have a low deck chassis.
    Great job

  18. Hey, can you PLEASE make bigger engine for this truck?

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