MMG Demo žemėlapis V6


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Reikalingas DLC East papildymas
Testuotos versijos: 1.9.22, 1.10.1


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30 thoughts on “MMG Demo žemėlapis V6

  1. your maps are looking great man!! have you fixed the invisible wall on one of the depot in dortmund? can you also add river crossings.

    1. MigaraMadawa


      1. Hello. Do you use resources from TSM map pack? Can you add it to description?

  2. please just finished it

  3. Wonderful excellent Map, but the name cities are wrong.

    1. MigaraMadawa

      Forget It

      1. ghost-truck

        and the gps and money / km forget it too??

  4. Абдуль


  5. Scania 164 580

    when will the full version?

  6. Hi. Now, the roads are enough. Fill it life.
    Need unexpected events.Slippery oil spill.Lightning, bike, fallen trees, animals, potholes, tire, overturned auto, etc.And sos many living beings. Thank you before, you are the best.

    1. MigaraMadawa


      1. ghost-truck

        thank you very very very much for the map juste pleas the gps ^^

  7. when heading to algiers from alexandrapouli there is a steep road over which i cant able to take my truck with the trailer attached

  8. Hello can Trucksim Map join v 5.0 and MMG MAP ETS2 DEMO V6??? Thank you .-

  9. I could do it.

  10. excelente mapa!!!!!cada dia lo mejoras mas!!!!!no le hagas caso a la gente que critique este mapa solo sigue con el trabajo,vendría bien algunos cruces de ríos,accidentes y sinceramente gracias por el mapa

  11. amigo una pregunta hay que activar todos y otra pregunta en realidad existe el mapa completo con rusia, hungaria, y brasil o es mentira todo hay conectarlo aparte gracias buen aporte sigue asi te felicito

  12. Not working with 1.11.

    1. MigaraMadawa

      V1.11 Orginal is not released

      1. I be playing the 1.11… version,its beta but whats the diff,all they do later on is releasing it as a full version

  13. Why don’t you post your updates on the SCS forum?

  14. ghost-truck

    pls did u fix the gps ?? and mony for Km??

  15. Ебаный ты Урод!Нахуя закидывать моды карт,если они у тебя не работают?!То на барьер-стену наскакивает,то игра вылетает когда груз берешь.Мудак Ты Ебаный!

  16. hope u make some snowed places it would be awesome!

    1. He has, but only high up in the mountains

  17. riodandy007

    the map creator is indonesian people,semangat mas tak tunggu final nya 😀

  18. Just like to say, that this is amazing, although for some reason you can’t see the full map when you look at it from the map button on menu.

  19. patch 1.10.1 TSM 5.0 + MMG Map Demo 6

  20. pioneer390

    I have ets2 version and the map work with this version. I like the extreme roads near by Kedainial in Belarus, not to mention the bridge made from 4 tree trunk, no protection what so ever! Keep up the good work! Nice map!

  21. Valdemir Reuter

    exelente mapa !!!, primeiro brasileirO!!!

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