Nėra žalos


Šis modas išjungia žalą žaidime. Tinka su visom versijom.

Autorius: KisCsigä


14 thoughts on “Nėra žalos

  1. With this mod, any other mods concerning the speed limit (90kph) will be deactivated, so I can’t drive at a higher speed. Could you please modify it slightly to suit illegal racers’ needs ? XD
    Thanks so much !

    1. In the latest versions of the game (1.4.1+) you can now disable the speed limiter in the options menu – no mods needed.

  2. Hello evrybody.
    I have the same mod, but the speed limit is 142 kms7/H.
    If any one knows how to post in here plesase tell me thank you

    1. That’s because the game now limits the speed at 142km/h. I’ve made my own “no-speed limit” that rises the limit to 500km/h! 🙂

      1. how could you do thish plz tell how

  3. I found another way to create “no_damage”. However it is not available to download anywhere. This is because it requires skill in driving.

    1. Sometimes you wanna go crazy around and don’t care about crashing, this is for that kind of people.

  4. its not working i put it today and i take damage

  5. When i crashed and went to the menu and to “Diagnostics”, there is small damage.
    I use version 1.4.12

  6. alexunderbases

    thanks for the mod! But i’m having a problem: i was able to drive without any damage until i added the “Scandinavian Map Mod”. Now the mod is useless. Please make some ajustments. Thanks alot and keep up the good work!

  7. alexunderbases do as the below advice!

    As the map of Scandinavia is different from the original, so it * the promods-def-v101.scs * package sisätä need to edit the * game.sii * file.

    Search did game.sii on these lines:

    truck_damage_coef: 0.0007 / / coef truck damage per hit, impact speed squared modified by weights
    trailer_damage_coef: 0.0007
    truck_to_trailer_dmg: 0.2 / / how much damage is Transferred from truck to trailer (and vice versa)

    and replace them with these:

    truck_damage_coef: 0.0000 / / coef truck damage per hit, impact speed squared modified by weights
    trailer_damage_coef: 0.0000
    truck_to_trailer_dmg: 0.0 / / how much damage is Transferred from truck to trailer (and vice versa)

    truck_speed_limit: 180.0

    (bring your bottom line in just in case you want to bring such high-speed)

    1. Ok but i when i join in That Game.sii i got some Mysterious Fonts i cant find nothing what you write

  8. i have a problem wen i did activated the mod my skin is going pink!!! any helps??? (using 1.6.2))

  9. It Shows An Error that this game contains unauthorised modifications then also the mod does’nt work plz help no mods work for me

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