(EN) Painted BDF Traffic Pack by Jazzycat v15.1

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4 thoughts on “(EN) Painted BDF Traffic Pack by Jazzycat v15.1

  1. I do enjoy Jazzy’s mods but… i find this one too ‘in your face’, i.e. they spawn too much in that if used nearly every other truck is a BDF, not at all realistic, needs spawn rate toning down, A LOT.

    1. I Agree. +1.
      There are my occurrences of BDFs and even more than the common trailers. There are several times when there are 3.. 5 BDFs one behind the other and this is not realistic at cities neithers on roads.
      I’m making this request again to Jazzycat to reduce the spawn of BDFs and consider countries where they don’t exist

  2. Richard Bakker


    Some problems in 1.48

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