(EN) Promods 2.68 & West Balkans DLC Merge Quality Editon v1.0

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10 thoughts on “(EN) Promods 2.68 & West Balkans DLC Merge Quality Editon v1.0

  1. hi this will break roads ….load order??

  2. Do i have to have promods?

  3. Hvala Petre

  4. Jack the Trucker


    I put this above Macedonia Rework.

  5. Guthrie Forbes

    Breaks roads and adds a white line heading east. Installed above and below Macedonia with no change

    1. Did you read the link above? Author says the Macedonia rework is NOT compatible.

      1. Guthrie Forbes

        No and I apologise. I am not sure which would be the better way to go but I will try and see. But for awhile. hanks for the reply appreciated

  6. You can see it better from here which is the main discussion.
    There are 2 versions….with 1 going
    It’s up to you to decide which one to use.

  7. 不错不错

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