(EN) Realistic Weather by BlackStorm v 2.0

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50 thoughts on “(EN) Realistic Weather by BlackStorm v 2.0

  1. severe115RUS

    какие нахрен BlackStorm и PIVA? взяли за основу мод IWR от sGate, чуток хрени ненужной добавили и авторами стали оба! Хрен с ним, не спорю- чего то вы там ковырялись, делали, но про автора основной части мода не надо забывать.

  2. it’s making a without promods??

    1. BlackStorm

      Hello Kenseth, the mod works with any map (Promods, TSM, MHAPro Map, default map game)
      I am using ProMods 2.17 and the mod works fine

      1. oh so Mario map 12.3? making it?

  3. FoxOnTheBox

    Ooh thanks for the update, looking forward to trying it. For anyone wondering what it’s like i made a 24 hour time lapse video on the previous version which came out a few days ago.


  4. I was not in this mod. 😀

    1. BlackStorm

      Hi Piva, the mod has parts of your mod so I think you should be in the credits I hope it doesn’t bother you

    2. BlackStorm

      I like to recognize and thank people

  5. tunning6000


  6. i have put this mod put i cant see if it works

  7. Can anyone compare this with RGM (Realistic Graphics Mod) ?

    1. BlackStorm

      This mod is not equal to the mod of Frkn64 Modding (Realistic Graphics Mod), the mod of Frkn64 Modding has no modified sky textures and in my mod all sky textures has modified with Photoshop CS6

      1. So you think your is better quality wise ?

        1. BlackStorm

          No I don´t think that my mod is better that the Frkn64 Modding mod, it’s just different, every modder has its definite style and not that one mod is better than another mod

        2. BlackStorm

          It is as if you say that an Audi car is better than a Mercedes car, they are different cars

          1. Roger. I ll try yours and see. Thanks for your answers & mod. 😉

        3. BlackStorm

          you’re welcome, it’s a pleasure

  8. BlackStorm

    You can see the date of the textures by opening the mod and you go to the model folder and then to the skybox folder

  9. Hello dear BlackStorm, I like your mod a lot, but could you please consider adding more dof values in the future version? Because during most of the time (daytime hours) there is no dof at all. Or at least please tell me which values I should change to bring depth of field back (so it would look just like in default weather from SCS) 🙂

    1. BlackStorm

      Yes, it´s simple:
      1. Open the mod with winrar o similar and extract the content to one folder
      2. Go to def folder and open it
      3. Go to climate folder and open it
      4. You will see many folders with names of time
      5. Open any folder and you will see two text files (bad and nice)
      6. Open the file bad or nice with Wordpad and now search for dof
      7. There will be many dof sequences that you can change as you like
      8. When you finish, you will clic in Save for save the change
      9. Now you compress all files with WinRAR again with scs extension and finished
      10. To end move the scs file in the mod folder of ETS2 and start the game

      1. Ageratos125rus

        ты почему автора SGate не указал КРЫСА!!

  10. Dont download this and use it, unless you like to lose 20FPS of your org FPS. I had 60FPS with mod truck etc and then activated this and then i had 40FPS…. lol You get better looking game from SweetFX and less FPS loss.

    1. BlackStorm

      ###### hater. Do not use it and do not tell people if they like the mod that does not use it. You’re an #####.

      If you have 60 fps and with the mod you get 40 fps it’s your problem that your graphics card is a sucks, I have an MSI GeForce GTX 1050Ti and I have 120 fps in ultra graphics and use or not the mod I always have 120 fps

      1. Sergey061

        “и у меня есть 120 кадров” – Уважаемый, у Вас разрешение экрана случайно не 640х480 выставлено? Иначе откуда такой сказочный FPS? У меня core i7 4790k +1080 от гигабайта и FPS стабильно 60… Правда без Вашего мода:)))

    2. BlackStorm

      Buy you a real graphics card not a #### graphics card

    3. I have a Radeon Fury X and I get 62 FPS max with or without this mod. If you r getting lower FPS it is because your ###### video card can’t hold ETS2 with mods ,so dont be an ####### blaming it on the mod creator, keep it for your self or look for weak pc mods.
      Awesome mod I like it!! keep it up!!

  11. In my console come several lines of yellow, referents to some of the sun. Obsolete files etc.

    1. BlackStorm

      Hi Luis,
      Are you using another graphic mod or some mod that has its own time, for example MHAPro Map?

  12. Thank you very much for your help BlackStorm! Much appreciated! BTW in some of the skyboxes I can see pixels on the sky 🙁 Is it because you doubled the resolution of them?

  13. Use with Grimes weather mods and have some spectacular results. An excellent mod

    1. BlackStorm

      WOW Guthrie you’re right with the Grimes mod it looks fantastic you are a genious :):)

  14. Сейчас бы называть себя автором мода переделав парочку текстур. Настоящий автор мода SGate! Piva здесь каким чудом оказался?

    1. BlackStorm


  15. Hello BlackSstorm

    Nice Mod !!!
    Is it possible to use with mhapro but maybe create a fix compatibility.

    (i use Summer (or spring) weather mod by grimes and use an alternative sweetFX preset , it’s very nice)

    thx for your help

    1. I saw error logs

      zlib compression error with ogg files

      Have a nice day

      1. BlackStorm

        Hi thimic51:
        These ogg compression errors I think are MHAPro, in my mod there are only 8 ogg files and they are sound and almost all are from the base file of the original game (base.scs).

        If you can do a screenshot with those errors and upload the image to the Internet and facilitate the link to see those errors would be of great help

        1. Thanks for the reply, I specify that with the previous version of your mod, there was not this error ….

          Otherwise, I will try to make available a screen showing the lines of errors.

          Have a nice day

  16. PolishDriverTruck

    HD Video Test 1.27…

  17. BillyZeKat

    Thank’s U ! Very nice ! but i have a question:
    now, i have the previous version (2017/07/15) ;
    With this new version, can I win some fps compared with the previous version ?

    I don’t want loose sky’s quality, and i noticed the loss of size of the mod ..
    Thanks for ur answer.

    (sorry for my shabby english o:) )

    1. BillyZeKat

      PS: The real problem is not the fps (betwenn 60/80) it’s the random game’s freeze. this new version fix this too ?

      1. BlackStorm

        That’s why the mod weighs less because the textures are now in DDS5 format instead of DDS1 which weighs more

    2. BlackStorm

      Hi BillyZeKat:
      With this new version is assumed that the game would have to go faster since the textures weigh 75% less (in the previous version all textures weighed 25MB in the new version the same textures weighs only 5MB) which makes the game have to work less to Load the texture so it should go faster

      1. BillyZeKat

        All work fine now, without micro freeze;
        Thanks 🙂

  18. Yes, this version works better than the previous one, but sometimes you can see ugly pixels on skyboxes…Let’s hope you can fix those textures in the future version 🙂

  19. I can see pixels aswell. Playing on 1920*1200 resolution.

  20. Mine is 1920 x 1080p…

  21. Francesco

    Beautiful mod my compliments BlackStorm 😉

  22. trying to decide between this and Frkn64 and what it supposed to be the outstanding here, the new clouds texture, is what I don’t like actually. clouds look unnatural in my game, I could see their texture (playing on 200% all settings at max), besides clouds are also dark most of the time…
    I also noticed an issue with some truck lights, some very little spots of light (like stardust) which do not appear normally.
    @BlackStorm: you can’t have 120 fps with mods, it’s impossible, I have I7 and GTX 1060 (almost twice better than yours) and in cities I never reach 60 fps. the bottleneck is coming from the game’s engine, not from my system.

  23. Hi.

    I use both version this mod – for ETS and ATS.

    Look great.


  24. It looks very good but I found there are bugs that you need to fix it, the SCANIA. When I turned on the parking lights, it shows me texture not found and is red square coming out. So maybe you can fix that maybe ?

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