Ro žemėlapio papildymas v 3.6.2


1.11 žaidimo versijai
Patisytos klaidos

Autorius: Traian


66 thoughts on “Ro žemėlapio papildymas v 3.6.2

  1. Runs with TSM? Mario 9.1?

    1. Is it compatible with MSHeavyAlex map, promods, tsm?

    2. hey, can i get link for mario map 9.1 ?

  2. Hi,guys!
    100% working on v1.11.1

    100% works with these cards:

    set in this position;-)

    MHAPro map MOD EU 1.5.1
    Ro Map Add-On v 3.6.2
    RusMap v 1.3

    good luck

    1. I’m sorry, see below link

      1. Hei, THX man! Your picture is a great indication

    2. no compatibility sorry


  3. I don’t tested it with another maps!

    1. @Traian, hello again. I hope you had fun in vacation.

      Please, help the players!!!

      I suggest to you find someone, a partner, to test with other maps if you just like(or have time) to create/draw.

      You must imagine that the first thing players will do is try to mix your map with others to see if it works. And they will be frustrating to know out after so much effort, that is not possible… or just wish and cannot do it.

      Try to help them, you or a partner, to test with other maps and inform compatibilities. Same advice to Promods, MHA PRO Europa, Reis Project and Russians Maps.

      make this community happier as possible, please

      1. …and please, back to SCS forum

  4. Hello Guys

    This map DON`T WORK with TSM 5.1
    But work fine with ETS 2 + DLC Going East + Italy AddON + RusMap 😉

    Wait for more 😉

    1. not working with tsm 5.1

    2. Please say your Italy AddOn version number

  5. nu mere harta pe tsm

  6. Sal Traian,

    in afara ca nu merge cu TSM, zidul invizibil din Debrecen este tot acolo (la iesire din Debrecen spre Budapesta pe drumul facut de tine).
    Urmeaza sa fie iar compatibila cu TSM ??? Si fara zidul invizibil???


    1. Yes, there is an invisible wall south of Debrecen ( budapest-debrecen county road, first intersection, Debrecen direction), please, remove it.

    2. O sa rezolv.
      Si va fi deasemenea si autostrada Budapest-Nadlac.

      1. Traian, ai spus sus la prezentare ca toate bugurile sunt fixate. Dupa cum vezi fanii nu te-au scuipat ca nu spui adevarul si asta trebuie sa apreciazi si tu si sa faci odata ca macar bucata asta de harta sa functioneze fara ziduri invizibile si alte chestii nasoale.
        Mi-ai promis ca o sa faci toata harta.
        Eu iti spun de pe acum ca nu o sa vad harta made Traian niciodata. Te chinui de doi anisori la aceasi harta si nu ai avansat decat prea putin.
        Sa sti ca nu sunt suparat pe tine sunt doar putin ingrijorat pentru ca nu ne spui adevarul. sa ai bafta!

  7. Hier for all ###### of this world.

    There is no map with TSM functioned in this world and there will also be none. Is this clear? ######

    You ask to 1000st times the same question. “Does function with TSM?”
    The Answer:

    “NO! ######. Exist no map ther working with TSM”

    1. Salutare Petronny,

      ETS2+DLC (1.10) + Ro Map Add-On v3.5 + TSM 5.0 functiona OK. Probabil cei care foloseau aceasta “combinatie” asteapta acum sa fie OK si ETS2+DLC (1.11.1) + Ro Map Add-On v3.6.2 + TSM 5.1.1


      1. Andrei, vreau sa stii un lucru si sa fii foarte sigur pe ce iti spun eu acum. Nici o harta nu va functiona cu TSM pentru ca cei de la TSM nu vor asta. Asa ca oricat se va stradui un modder sa faca o harta “compatibila” cu cea de la TSM nu va reusi. TSM lucreaza cu indarjire la blocul de EST inclusiv la harta Romaniei care e intr-o stare de alfa-beta de fapt gata si in proba. Ceea ce spui tu ca a functionat bine iti spun ca e o chestie de noroc. Adica si eu am jucat combinatia ETS2+DLC+Ro Map Add-on +TSM si parea ca a functionat bine pana la un punct. Dar a venit si momentul cand harta a avut un crash pe baza incompatibilitatii hartii Ro.Map Add-On cu TSM si asta intr-o combinatie cu trecerea peste Mediterana si trecerea dincolo la englezi. Am vorbit cu cei de la TSM am trimis si game.log spre “expertiza” si mi s-a spus de la TSM ca harta Ro-Map Add-on nu are programata nici o legatura cu punctele de trecere cu ferry-boat ceea ce duce la crash total.

        1. OK, inteleg. Chiar azi am vazut ca sunt 3 persoane in ROM in contact cu TSM si ma gandeam daca nu cumva o sa faca si ROM. Din pacate cred ca vor fi putine orase, dar asta e. Asteptam de la Traian sa faca aceasta harta pentru ca ar fi fost mult mai multe orase, iar apoi se putea ocupa si de detalii. Poate nu e cea mai buna, dar e era si ROM in ETS2, plus ca era si orasul meu pe harta :). Oricum, sper ca TSM sa vina si cu ROM mai repede si cu cat mai multe orase.

          Merci pentru informatii!

          P.S. Daca vrei si poti, transmite celor de la TSM ca am gasit in 5.1.1, doua mici “erori”, pe sosea, zone rosii cu “text not found”:
          1. Orleans spre Bordeaux, intrarea de jos spre La Rochelle (A10 cu A9).
          2. Marseille spre Montpellier la bifurcatia cu drumul spre Lyon (unde se unesc: A7 cu A9).

          1. Cele doua “erori” s-au remediat in 5.1.2 …

          2. Andrei, totul e marcheting. De fapt se prea poate ca SCS sa oficializeze harta cu bulgaria si romania prin intermediul TSM-ului asa cum ProMod cu siguranta oficializeaza in octombrie anul acesta harta scandinaviei pentru scs. SI da, ai dreptate. am vazut un numar de 8 orase pe harta romaniei dintra care 4 erau gresit scrise 🙂
            Eu nu bat in cuie ce spun acum ptr ca se poate ca SCS sa isi schimbe optica in functie de vanzarile din octombrie. Deci sa ne uram bafta. Ceea ce e rau , e faptul ca inca nu avem o harta neoficiala gata si functionala cu SCS 1.11.1s si cu 1.12 care va aparea in curand de la scs

    2. Hey smart ###: this is not a map, this is a add-on and always worked with TSM til 4.6

      1. ola, smart ###. This is not a map and your brain is not a brain.
        Say me please, under TSM 4.6 and Ro Add-on, how many orders did you have from Timisoara to London? How many orders did you have from Drobeta to Alger, from Arad to Cairo?
        Oh! Yeh, you little brain and smart ###.
        You had no orders to this route becouse Ro-Add-On isn’t compatible to any TSM.
        You brainless ###.

        1. Petronnyass, just shutt up, #### and swallow


          1. adicate-lea vrei sa-mi sugi pula?

          2. gilkid – yes your snot. can you say the meaning from Pitesti, you sucker. goes to school you ####-fabet

        2. Can you find Pitesti at Google Maps? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

          1. Monkey ###, #### my ####. You cant answer the question. lick your mother pussi you #####

        3. I proved you wrong, then your ### is mine haahahahahahahaha

          Hey Danos, who bring you here, girl? Go back to your Barbies

        4. Can you find Bilbao at Google Maps? hahahahahahahahaahahahahaha

          TSM 4.6

          #### and swallow #####

          1. I have found at Google Maps instead of Bilbao your mug. Your knob looked like a fish. I have my tail in your mouth pure-put and have given you a very nice bukkake. You have swallowed very quietly everything under it. In the end you heve thanked me very much. I had saved with it your life…

    3. kkkkkkkkk se fudeu imbecil, pare de ser idiota e preste atenção antes de postar merda

  8. how do set my files like this

    MHAPro map MOD EU 1.5.1
    Ro Map Add-On v 3.6.2
    RusMap v 1.3

    my desktop won’t let me it alway’s in alphabet.won’t let me drag the file were I want it to be.

    1. Anonymous One

      Use numbers for all of your mods, for example:

      10300_MHAPro map MOD EU 1.5.1
      10350_Ro Map Add-On v 3.6.2
      10412_RusMap v 1.3

      If you do so, you’ll be able to adapt the order as desired.


    2. exp.

      1001_[Map]MHAPro map EU 1.5.1

      1002_[Map]Ro Map Add-On V3.6.2


  9. Debrecen – Budapest E60 blocked the roundabout Debrecen . has an invisible wall.

  10. Hey Traian, there is a mountain in the middle of the way, after Drobeta (Craiova direction), before the gas station. And again, the invisible wall south of Debrecen.

  11. This map overwrites MHA Map. After activating it, all the new MHA cities and new companies disappear.

    1. I think, you have right…

      1. I know it, dumb ###. Do you already find out where is Bilbao?

        1. Gilkid, you are wrong here. Shut your face, sucker!

  12. make work TSM map 5.x version, please

    1. he wait for the version 1.12 🙂

      1. Nooo, go back to your mom and cry I humiliated you

        1. Gilkid you are the great sucker of this world. Can you find your mother on the Google Earth? Go home and cry to your pigg-mother I humiliated you. Youa are the greatest analphabet here.Go way you sucker. #### my ####, lick my ### 🙂

        2. Gilkid,go way from here. you’re insolently and ill bred.

          1. start to read from the very begin, and you will understand why I must to put this ##### on the corner: she started to call me ###### cuz she dont know what is a map and what is a compatible add on.

        3. #### and swallow


          how can you explain this image?


          Just acept and it will harmless, little girl

  13. ###### ######, how you can findy mom if you even kno how o go from Pitesti to Bilbao? Magic? hahahahahahahahahhahahahahhaha dumb asses

    shhhhhhhhhhhhhh: #### and swallow


    1. Gilkid you dont have right. This AddOn was and is not compatible with TSM. Accepted this and stopped this ####. So that it ADDOn 100% compatibly with TSM is must find you orders over the sea.If You have gone to Bilbao achievedly then you have had luck. Bud you can’t from Romania to England or Alger. So, hear on to make so many noise here. YOu’are so banal.

      1. @GilKid: You are silly and arogant. Here this is not a add-on that is an HangOVer Map. But you are to be reached to employed with your kindergarten here to take a big attention.
        Why is this not an add-on? Becouse the Map is hanging over the hungarian Map and it has its own identity.

        If you had the good fortune to catch a route from Pitesti to Bilbao does not mean that happend because this HangOver Map ist to TSM compatibile. You were just lucky. And so, nothing more. And who is speaking here of the version 4.6?
        The current release crash even after the patch from SCS 1.12 and so is not compatible even with nothing
        So let’s stop this fake and behave yourself civilized

  14. Petronny cunosti vreun tutorial pe youtube sau alt site pentru trecerea de pe retail pe Steam??? Un tutorial pas cu pas, ca sa nu pierd salvari setari … Se pare ca multe dintre update-uri/DLC-uri sunt doar pentru Steam, desi nu-i chiar corect fata de cei cu retail (poate player-ul nu are conexiune internet in zona) 🙂 Daca sti, un link ceva?
    Multumesc anticipat!

    1. Andrei pe Steam se preiau toate setarile asa cum sunt ele. Din cate stiu eu nu trebuie sa urmezi tutoriale sofisticate si alte astfel de chestiuni. Pur si simplu ai nevoie de o Serial Key corecta si astfel poti activa ETS2-ul tau la Steam. Cand deschis Steam jos in stanga ai un buton for Steam Activate. La momentul cerut aplici numarul de serie si urmaresti ce se intampla . In doua trei minute e gata. Bineinteles inainte de toate sa iti faci o copia a profilului ca sa nu existe surprize.
      Eu am activat la Steam si apoi m-am dezactivat. Toate patch-urile care vin la Steam sunt mai intai sub forma beta. Ceva mai tarziu , dupa ce au fost eliminate toate greselile apare orcim si patch-ul pentru ETS-ul cumparat normal pe CD. Deci dupa experianta mea nu se merita la Steam cand o saptamana sau doua mai tarziu oricum se oficializeaza patchul si pentru variantele normale de soft.

  15. this map mod crashes still not fixed to 1.11 or 1.12 dont download

  16. Hi there ….
    Did the EUMAP and your Romania Map … but in Debrecen I pop in an invisible Mauer..also it jibbet since no progress … what can I do ??

    1. Warten wie wir alle….

  17. @GilKid: You are silly and arogant. Here this is not a add-on that is an HangOVer Map. But you are to be reached to employed with your kindergarten here to take a big attention.
    Why is this not an add-on? Becouse the Map is hanging over the hungarian Map and it has its own identity.

    If you had the good fortune to catch a route from Pitesti to Bilbao does not mean that happend because this HangOver Map ist to TSM compatibile. You were just lucky. And so, nothing more. And who is speaking here of the version 4.6?
    The current release crash even after the patch from SCS 1.12 and so is not compatible even with nothing

  18. This Map don`t work witch new ProMods 🙁

    1. @Renegade
      Why du you make such a face?
      Why do you not read before you something says? Of course is not compatible these Map with ProMod 1. 7. Why?
      Because the future version 1. 8 will be called ProMod 1x Romania Edition by MIRFI

      (ps. you must be login for read)

  19. Hello,i have found a bug.The new street from Budapest to Debrecen end by Debrecen.The Truck stop and i must return.Is is the Position,where in ETS without Ro Map the Street by Debrecen ends.

    Screenshot 1 (with Ro Map)

    Screenshot 2(without Ro Map)

    1. Hello i have found bug too.
      Invisible wall in a road to Debrecen.


  20. Reported bugs will be fixed.
    SCS Software topic :

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