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8 thoughts on “(EN) SCANIA 143 IMPROVEMENTS 1.39

  1. fdtransport

    truck – trailer cable not working!

    1. Do you drive at the rear side of the truck or in the cabin?
      The truck is going to be updated for that so stop crying and complaining.

      1. no-one is crying or complaining but stating a fact,also asking if and when it will be updated with cables,so many updates for this truck so far but still waiting, also yes we do drive in cabin but nice to take photo of livery from outside

  2. can someone please fix the cable support on this truck,best truck on the game and it’s not updated with cables,

  3. doesnt matter.

    What’s the point in reuploading it do a different host? It’s fine using Google drive. Or is it purely so you get your pennies using mods.to?


  4. Awesome truck. the driving and sound are very realistic. I would recommend. my driving video is on the link;

  5. AlphaGamer

    Mod funktioniert teilweise lenkrad dreht sich nicht, scheinwerfer sind zu hell (flutlichtmässig), auflieger lässt sich nicht ankuppeln …

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