(EN) Scania Dashboard v 2.0

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20 thoughts on “(EN) Scania Dashboard v 2.0

  1. JR@EwingOil

    Thank you for this display mod. It’s a lot better than the one SCS offers. Only thing I could complain about is small. The font size on the top two levels of the display are a little too small, mainly for indicated and cruise control speed. Maybe increase the size one or two points, otherwise, very good.

    1. font sizes same as default Scania dashboard.

      1. JR@EwingOil

        OK. It looked a little smaller. I was wrong. Good work on this.

  2. its compatible with RJL Exl scania?

    1. yes if it model from SCS forum

  3. Great display! You can make Volvo FH2012 ?

      1. And MP4 ?

  4. Very Nice

  5. its from other moders mod so i can put this dashboard?

    1. let’s try

  6. José Lauro

    Piva, where do I change the color of liter indicator that is in the tank number, I would stay with a stronger white like the odometer numbers, or, if possible, a dashboard Download Link already with that changes made by you. Thank you!

    1. José Lauro

      I looked that the change is made to the file called dashboard_text.sc_piva.sii

      1. yes – it is value template

        1. José Lauro

          Piva, ok, it confirmed that it is this file but I was wondering what is the template name and the value that I put there so that the fuel tank be equal numbers of color the default color. Thank you

          1. set “color value=FFFFFFFF”

          2. José Lauro

            Thank you very much Piva, now it turned the color I was wanting.

  7. piva! Дружище!!! Не перестаёшь радовать нас своими качественными плагинами! Спасибо Тебе за твои труды!!! Пойду выгоню свою скамейку из гаража после обновы дашборда 🙂

  8. that’s awesome…Can you make it for Merc Actros MP4..

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