Scania informacinis displėjus


Informacinis displėjus Scania vilkikui

Autoriai: SCS, kuba141


17 thoughts on “Scania informacinis displėjus

  1. Great!

  2. Great display Kuba141, I used before.
    the counter to the right of the cruise control is always “0”, I don’t know what use that have, so is it possible to change that for the current speed of the truck, I would be grateful.
    Thx for this mod

    1. Faelandaea

      That works fine. It’s cruise control setting. It says 0 because you don;t use cruise control. If you activate cruise control it tells what speed your cruise control is set at. To tell speed, there is a larger dial to the right of the display. Speed is also displayed on your RA.

      1. I know that but, I’m talking about the other counter, to the right of the cruise control (bellow the time = hour) that is always “0”, I don’t know how activate that or for what it is for

        1. Faelandaea

          Huh. I just noticed that myself. Didn’t notice the second counter till this reply. Good question. Looking at the files more closely it looks like it is VISUALLY a duplicate of the cruise control counter, but ETS2 only displays one instance of it so it stays at zero. So yeah – I am curious now too LOL.

          Also, I am hoping to find a tutorial somewhere on how to change the color of the bars from green to blue. I have a Black interior w/blue LEDs and i didn’t realize how much an info screen could stand out till this mod. But this truly is a beautiful display nonetheless. 🙂

    2. Great mod, well done. Thank you!

      @Hellboy, that’s downhill cruise control. In real life Scania has a cruise control for downhill, meaning when you are driving on a downhill it won’t let the truck exceed that speed. In game we don’t have something like that.

      1. thanks for the reply, now I know what it’s for 🙂 … if we don’t have that ingame one more reason to change that counter to current truck speed , would be nice

  3. Ta copau

  4. Alex Walder

    the download link is broken, can somebody create a new one so that I can download the mod 🙂

    1. Same here.

  5. Downloadlink is perfect.

    1. Alex Walder

      yeah sorry for some reason it wouldn’t download, i tried again after 15 mins and it worked fine

  6. Not an accurate reading of the fuel level.

  7. All three must be plugged into an? or one

  8. Amazing!!! 😀 Bigggg thnnnnxxxxx for this mod 😀 Works amazing 😉

  9. truckergeerard

    thank you ,thank you ,thank you;youre the man!!!

  10. Bobby Havon

    My display doesnt work when I buy a new truck and I look at the display its still the same

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