(EN) Scania R500 V8 HERMUS

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12 thoughts on “(EN) Scania R500 V8 HERMUS

  1. Test Video on my Youtube Channel youtube.com/Rafał PL

    1. Diablo
      Your links dont work! Fool you that they’re everywhere?
      Sick #######…xD

  2. , connect each August because otherwise you can not enter the address of the video www . youtube . com / watch?v=Qyf2Hq67KFg

  3. Why all moders put that terrible curtains and red interior light to their truck? Do you really think that it looks good???

  4. red light is only needed should be lit on the key / o / but not everyone can do it, and with a curtain is already a matter of the author, and who likes to mod leaked eyebrow author

    1. The red interieur light must been activated by the truck’s light L – button. The O – button is for beacon. When is sutch a mod is comming out? I hope soon !!!!!!

  5. Wow from the outside is perfect but from the inside it is not so pretty. Why is every interior from a scania modder a standard interior or ugly?

  6. Cool truck and superb sound, but that curtain ruins it for me..
    If it was a little higher it was okay, but it blocks the view. No download.

  7. Great looking truck and superb sound.. but the curtain ruins it for me. If it was a little higher maybe it would’ve been okay but it blocks the entire view and makes it undrivable for me.

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