Scania surūdijusi tekstūra


Brunno Henrique


9 thoughts on “Scania surūdijusi tekstūra

  1. Argosy2013

    Cool skin mate! “rustic” as haha

  2. strider1007

    Great idea, but it looks overdone.

    1. Nobody Needs to Know

      yeah, pull it back a bit, but its still a really good and unique idea

      1. it’s not that unique. something similair was done for the iveco in december 2012

        1. Nobody Needs to Know

          Still uniqe though, just not as much.

  3. cool job – and now Volvo please 🙂

  4. you should broke all glasses and it will be more likely in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. :DDD

  5. apferreira truckman

    this truck is rotten! rrrrrsssssss ……..

    este caminhão está podre ! rrrrrsssssss……..

  6. Link Off

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