Scania Streamline Edit v 2.0

Scania-Stremline-Edit-v-2.0-1 Scania-Stremline-Edit-v-2.0-2

Scania Streamline vilkikas su specialiu tiuningu

Autorius: FurkanSevke


9 thoughts on “Scania Streamline Edit v 2.0

  1. nice work man:D thx

  2. Subliminal

    Crash on 1.11

  3. furkansevke

    work in 1.11.x
    change your profile your save damaged

    1. Yes! it does crash

  4. it crashes on 1.10.x 😛

  5. Invalid addon data

    once again FurkanSevke ####

    1. my friend i can see your sufering from mod desise:)
      when we download a bunch of crappy mods…man get`s me madIs like a virus…spreads a lot…many times is just time waist, cause you end up with same oldys you already have

  6. crash on v1.10.1.19s (only this one installed) :-\

    Invalid addon data (/def/vehicle/truck/scania.streamline/accessory/sunshld/shape1.sii)!

  7. furkansevke

    it crashes because its for 1.11 ######

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