Tekstūrų šablonas

Visų vilkikų tekstūrų šablonas, kuris pravers modų kūrėjams. Rezoliucija: 2048x2048px
Autorius: szeryff123


11 thoughts on “Tekstūrų šablonas

  1. hey there,

    were do I find a program, so I can start to make my own truck mods.

    merry xmas


  2. You need Paint, Photoshop, Gimp or other paint program 🙂 and DXTBmp converter program


  3. Having created and saved the dds file what else do we need to do and where does the file need to go.


  4. Any tutorial in how to use it?

    1. yeah any tutorials?

    2. Training and learning by yourself – this is the tutorial.

      I have some skills of skinning and I have never looked at any tut. I tried, tried and got better by the time.

      1. how can i like do this? just open the template in adobe? and add decals that i want?

  5. Open one of the templates in Photoshop, so it’s your base layer. Then make a new layer and start drawing your skin. Just be sure to download the Nvidea plugin for Photoshop so you can save your files as dds.

    And make sure to save your document as a psd too, so you can keep your layers. This makes correcting errors a lot easier.

    If your skin is done, you’re ready to start making the mod ready for use. Make a paintshop icon, get the tobj and mat files working and so on. But there are tutorials for that.

    Just keep in mind, downloading a template does not mean you can make a skin within 5 minutes.

    1. Markus Srihardi

      Where i can get the TBOJ and mat files?

  6. check the tutorials on youtube…

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