(EN) SKM Exteneded Map v1.8.0

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12 thoughts on “(EN) SKM Exteneded Map v1.8.0

  1. Thankyou guys downloading it now keep up the good work cheers

  2. A new profile is needed. Thank you

    1. No new profile needed just load up and go

  3. MidniteTrain

    Just love this extended SKM map. Although I would love to have your garages throughout all of Europe and not just the UK. I was blown away when I first entered the UK garage. Great work guys.

  4. est elle compatible tsm/mha mercie

  5. Magnificent work. Thank you

  6. We now have a dedicated SKM forum where youn discuss SKM and report bugs the link is http://www.skmproductions.tk/

  7. Excellent job! Works in 1.18 with the following maps (ALL TOGETHER):
    – DLC Going East + Scandinavia;
    – TSM_Map_6.0.1;
    – EAA V2.4. (don’t forget to download and enable also FIX for EAA V2.4!);
    – RusMap_v1.4.9;
    – Baltic_Map_Countrys.
    Once again, thank you for sharing and keep up the great and hard work!

  8. bmussmann

    I own dlc Scandinavie?

    1. Pls help! My game get crashed! 🙁

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