(EN) Sneepels Transport R650 ~ [1.33]

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5 thoughts on “(EN) Sneepels Transport R650 ~ [1.33]

  1. Hello, I would like to add a new sunshield but I can not find the name to add in the following file:
    def / vehicle / truck / scania.r_2016 / paint_job / accessory / snepels_a.sii
    as for example: r_bumper.mdm_01_p
    How can I find the name of my sunshiel that I would like to add please

    1. Open the sunshield mod, head to this folder: D:\docu\Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod\Extended_Sunshield_NGS\def\vehicle\truck\scania.r_2016\accessory\sunshld and the name of that file is the internal name of the accessory. So then just put acc_list[]: “sunshld.[internal_name]” in, and it should work. If you need more help, join us on Discord, it’s easier to help you out there.

      1. Ok Thank you for your help

  2. Uh… I can’t open Kerstens Modding’s page. Can you give me the direct link to the scs, please? Thanks!

  3. what is the mod for the trailer

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