(EN) South Korea Adventure Map v 3.1

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7 thoughts on “(EN) South Korea Adventure Map v 3.1

  1. Good morning, hemil, tested the new version of the map korea adventure 3.1, he is compatible with all the maps of my game (Mario map, rusmap, open space, EAA, baltic, serpentine, nohighway, China (Taiwan), TAS, korea adventure 3.1). thank you

    Ps: I think the position (sector) Eldorado map could look like the original. OK thank you

    congratulations or mod

  2. I wonder why is need this name for the file: “zzzzzzzzzzzz”, only “south_korea_adventure_map” wouldn’t was enough ??? What’s the point of that string of many “z”?

    1. South Korea Adventure Map should be on top of all map.
      So, I used ‘zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz’ for novice users.

  3. SMH Transport

    Hey Hemil do you have to have dlc north because i just have the dlc east. 🙂

  4. Hi, can you answer how you join standalone maps into europe map (and how you change position of completed segments)? Is it possible to join Complicated Roads map the same way? It will be fine.

  5. Did you fix the bug about the mountains that block the road on South Korea map?

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