Priekabų tekstūrų pakeas v2.0


Žaidimo versijos: 1.4.x / / / 1.5.x

Jztrucking & Jbsystems


19 thoughts on “Priekabų tekstūrų pakeas v2.0

  1. Seriously this is ANNOYING! Why is this called Trailer Skin Pack v2.0?

    When there is a Trailer Pack that is hugely popular v1.8.2 here

    It’s a different team of creators, naming your mods the same like others like that is misleading and annoying. Besides I don’t think you can top that quality.

    1. It is a shame that its a trailer skin replaces mod like v1.8.2
      Im more into TSM trailer packs.. because the trailer extra added to the game.. and not just some replacement skin of an allready existing trailer

  2. It is totally a other pack than the v1.8.2
    This is the update of the following pack:

    This pack was made at the request of some dutch people

    There is no obligation to download 😉

    1. But you see how the naming can be confusing? Even for your mod it is confusing, how is it after Trailer Pack 3 comes Trailer Skin Pack v2.0.

      Sometimes mods are known only by their version number, like when you ask people about what Physics mod they use “Ah the 7.0 one” or “The 1.x one”, when you try to keep track of updates of a certain mod it can be awful to weed through all the different ones out there.

      Instead if it were JTZ&JBS Trailer Skin Pack v2.0 in the name, already different. You have a unique screenshot though and so does the other trailer pack so it’s not that bad, I could tell without downloading it was another author.

      1. The three is only in the link. It isn’t actually called “trailer pack 3”.

        The link says “trailer-pack-3/” because 2 other mods have been uploaded with that title, so it assigns numbers after the title so that although there are 3 mods which share the same title, they will have different links.

        First one being:
        Second becoming:
        and so-on..

  3. Indeed, that’s true what you say
    I have totally not thought of this.

    My apologies for the confusion.
    I will be at the next update take into account the name.

  4. Scani 111 super

    you seriously taking credit for all the skins, at least 2 of mine are in there, been cut off other trailers…..the community plays with a lot of lego…

    1. Jztrucking

      oh, that’s funny the skins are all made by Jbsystems and I. Can you say which? haha

  5. All skins are homemade
    There are 100 + skins
    Here and there a lot or 10 skins have been edited to other trailers from GTS or ETS1

    I see this happen at several

  6. Thanks a lot very nice mod, don’t listen to those poor wan…Carry on maid,carry on

  7. ######…making skins for default trailers…who pull those anyway…

  8. Hi!
    Are there trailers like Spar, Tesco, Lidl, DHL, etc. in this mod??

  9. Why do you have skins of VCB in the trailer pack ??

  10. Good mod but contain some bug, plz update and fix

  11. II love this mod, can you update it to 1.20? Thanks soo much.

  12. II love this mod, can you update it to 1.20?

  13. is the trailer from Oegema Transport a standalone and does it works on 1.22?

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